Saturday, 10 August 2013

Uniform Checklist

Hey guides,

Based on observation through the contingent and past full-uniform uniform checks, we realised that you guys are still not really sure of what we expect from you all for your full-uniform.
Please refer to this post everytime you prepare your full uniform or else any mistake there is will be counted as double punishment. (I suggest you to all screenshot the details for easier reference)

Full Uniform
1. Beret
Your beret should NEVER touch the ground.Punishment will be given once you drop your beret. When you wear your beret, the trefoil should be in the middle of your head (Ask your friend to check for you). Fold the sides and the back of your beret upwards when wearing.

2. Scarf
Likewise, your scarf should never touch the ground. As many of you are not sure of how to iron and fold your scarf, here is a step-by-step guide.

 This is the back of your scarf.

 Fold it down and leave a 3-fingers spacing from the crest.

 Once flipped over, it should look like this.

 Fold the folded part into half.

 Fold that part into thirds. Start by folding 2/3

Fold the last 1/3.

 A lot of you have no idea how to tie your scarf, too. Here is another step-by-step guide.

 Overlap the two ends of your scarf, left over

 Pull out the left from under.

 Adjust the scarf.

 Pull the side above behind and pull it out.

 Tuck it between the two ends (in the square)

 Adjust it accordingly, into a neat square.

Take note that your square should be small and neat. The two ends of your scarf should be of equal length. The square should cover the first button, too. The scarf should be held in place by the two metal buttons sewn on the underside of your lapels. The State Crest should not be covered by your collar, but your collar should cover the part of the scarf above the Crest.

3. Blouse.
Make sure all your badges are sewn on neatly and straight. There should be no small threads around the badge. For the badges on your sleeves, align them to the fold of your sleeve.

Your Patrol emblem and centenary patch (forging family ties) should be sewn at the middle of your chest area. Ensure there are no extra threads anywhere, and make it look flat and presentable. (A tip: Don't pull the thread too hard, or there'll be creases and it's almost impossible to re-sew your ribbons as the threads come out easily) .
For those with ranks, sew your stripes around the epaulette with WHITE thread.

4. Skirt
Your skirt should not be too short, and neither should it be too long, for it might interfere with your drilling. It should be around mid-knee. Please alter your skirt if the necessary.

5. Pin on-Badges
Your world badge, enrolment badge, and award badge should make a straight, diagonal line. The world badge should be the highest, followed by your enrolment badge pinned onto the scarf, and the award badge directly beside your Patrol emblem. Your enrolment badge should be well-polished.

2019 edit:

1. World Thinking day patch : The word “leadership” should be aligned to the first button

2. Company tape
- should be on the crown on the sleeve, align it to the epaulette

3. Proficiency badges
- centre of sleeve should be the starting point
- sew badges on each side of imaginary centre line, beginning with a pair near the top of the sleeve, making sure that each badge is equidistant from the centre line.
- continue down the sleeve until there are 3 pairs of badges on the sleeve.
- subsequent badges should be sewn on either side of these six badges.

NOTE : no badges should be sewn on the iron fold

4. Patrol emblem
- Align to first button but lower it slightly

5. Award Badges
- Closer to patrol emblem and must be higher then it

NOTE : ur world badge, enrolment badge and award badge should from a diagonally straight line

Half Uniform
1. Track Pants
Your track pants should either be black or dark blue. It has to be waterproof, and it should not be too short.

2. Shirt
Shirts worn with the blue skirt, school skirt, or track pants should be neatly tucked into the respective bottom. The waistband of your pants/skirt should not be completely covered by the shirt.


1. Hair
Your hair should always be neatly pinned up and/or tied up. When you wear full uniform, your hair should be tied up once it touches the collar. Your hair should not cover the State Crest at all, even when you are drilling. Your hair should be neatly braided. If it is too short, tie two ponytails. Bring a bottle of hairspray each time you wear full uniform. Use it to make sure there are no stray hairs flying.

2. Accessories

Only black or dark blue hair accessories are allowed. When wearing full uniform, all accessories are to be removed, saved for the ones used to keep your hair neatly pinned or tied up.

3. Belt

Your belt should not be hanging loosely off your skirt. If your belt is too loose, either punch holes or buy a new one. The accessories on your belt (clip with whistle and cord attached to it) should be right the loop to the right of the buckle.

3. Socks

Even though we remind you guys over and over again. There are still some of you who refuse to wear your socks properly. Please make sure your socks are 4cm (4 fingers) above your ankle. Punishment will be given, and you would have to wear soccer socks for the rest of the activity if your socks are not up to standard. 

4. Company tags 
Your company tags should be sewn one finger away from the seam of the shirt on your shoulder and in the middle. 

5. Whistle and Cord
Your whistle and cord should be at the seam at the side of your skirt at all times. Only slide them in when you are drilling or running. 

Guides, please check your uniform according to this checklist.
Make sure everything's in place, and rearrange any item if they are not like what it's stated here.

P.S. Good job for surviving this looooonnnnngggg post. c:

-JingYu QM. :D