Sunday 25 August 2013

Cancellation of Sept camp, EEC Course for Sec 2 guides on 11 & 18 Oct

Dear Guides,

1) The school has set the last day of activity (EOY study break) for all CCAs to be on 4th Sept. As such we will cancel the Girl Guides September camp which was scheduled to be from 6-9 September 2013.

We will resume Girl Guides activity on 11 October 2013.

All Sec 2 guides to note that they will be going to Energy Efficiency Centre for Part 1 of the course on 11 Oct for the Energy Efficiency Proficiency Badge from 3-5pm. One way bus transport will be provided, and it will leave the school at 2.30pm. Consent forms will be issued next week during activity. Do note that you will need to bring your pencil case, a copy of your latest utilities bill from Singapore Powers (do start to prepare this now) and a calculator to class. Photocopies of the bill are also acceptable.

Do note that for the second part of the course on 18 Oct from 3-5pm. One way bus transport will be provided, and it will leave the school at 2.30pm. There will be a written test on that day and it is also the final date of submission of an assignment that was given out in session 1.

Thank you.