Saturday 24 August 2013

East Division Day 2013

Dear guides, 
Fun and exciting day at EDD today!

Congratulations to Company 1 team consisting of Wi En and Zing Rong who won 1st Prize in the Fashion show category earlier today. :))) Both of you have done us tremendously proud!

(include picture of trophy)

And to the rest of you who have contributed your heart, soul, sweat, time and tears during the preparation for EDD, give yourself a pat on the back. Hope you have learn a lot about each other's strengths and also bonded during the preparation time. Remember, the journey is more important than the outcome. 

Keep the guiding light shine, guides!

Group Shot. :))
Scenes at the our fundraising booth:

Working on a unique request from our dear brownies
Happy customers with their combined heart shape,
Working hard on a full face request
Some pictures taken earlier today:
Scrapbooking Team 1
Scrapbooking Team 2

Desert Making Team 1
Desert Making Team 2
COY 1 Dance Team doing their thing...

Coy 2 Dance Team