Monday 26 August 2013

Reflection for 21 August:)

On Wednesday, we fell in outside the LT2 after putting our bags in the guides room. Then we did some drilling and gadget making after that. We split ourselves into groups and made a table each. the seniors then tested to see if our tables could stand.

Then for the rest of the activity, we used newspapers, felt and scouring pads to make the shapes of different leaves for the Gardens by The Bay project. We had to make 100 leaves per patrol. We cut out the shapes of the different leaves, decorated it with either paint, markers and newspapers. We worked together as a patrol and finished it very quickly. After we finished making, we cleaned up the classroom and fell in at by the lakeside for dismissal. this activity was enjoyable! :)

Sheena Ng, Sparrow Patrol

Proud creations:)

Coy 1 working hard...

Coy 2 working hard...

Having fun in each other's company!