Monday 26 August 2013

Reflection for 23 August:)

As usual, we left our bags at the guides room and fall in outside LH2. The sec 1s had their Health Trooper Badge Course and hence, they left for the Health Promotion Board after greeting the seniors. After that, the sec2s went to the Ecube room for our 5-point test. The 5-point test was about acting out a scene based on a world issue. Elissa, Wi En and I acted out a SARS disease scenario, whereby, as a guide, what can we do to solve the problem. We all fun even though it was a test. I felt that our patrol did the job well, the other patrols did well too! Thereafter, we had our craft making session for the Gardens by the Bay project. This time, we're assigned to make flowers. As my patrol have already finished the 100 leaves, i went to oriole patrol to help them out with their leaves. At the end of the session, everyone finished the number of leaves and flowers required. Overall, i felt this craft making session is very meaningful. It help us bond as a patrol while doing the craftwork. Everyone put in their fullest effort in making the craftworks too :D 

Eunice Ng, Sunflower Patrol

Pretty flowers:)

Survey time!