Monday 2 September 2013

4 Sept's activity

Hi guides!

Wednesday is the last activity we'll have until after eoy ): Guides will resume on 11Oct so just anticipate hehehh! All the best for your eoys and study hard!! JIAYOU -clapclap-

For sec1s, there will be NO ACTIVITY for this wednesday which means last Friday was your last activity ! D:

For sec2s, activity will only be from 3.00-4.00 and you'll be having your 5 point test!
Sec2s please fall in at the concourse at 3.00 in whatever school uniform you're in that day. 

For sec3s, there will be INTERCCA games on Wednesday! Wear your grey tee with PE shorts!:) The groupings are as follows :) more details for the games will be given on the day itself heh

Sitting Volleyball
Modified floorball
Cherie Kwek
Cheng Wei Ting
Koh Qing
See Yu Qing
Tan Ying Ying
Bella Wong
Charlotte Tan
Jazel Koh
Huang Lu Jing
Tan Xin Hui
Zhang Jing Yu
Lynette Tan
Lee Quan Fang
Nyang Bing Pei
Lim Cheng Sing
Jasmine Lim

Koh Jia Xuan

Koh Si Yun

Do your best but don't forget that this time's intercca is about having all the ccas come tgt to bond and have fun instead of competition :) JIAYOU!
