Wednesday 4 September 2013

Guides Donation Drive

Some pictures from Guides Donation Drive 2013 for the Elderly residents of Pipit Road as well as a short reflection! :)


The aim of this service learning project is to help the senior citizens living in one-room flats in Pipit Road. We started out by spreading awareness for this project as well as encouraging the many students in school to donate some items, namely daily necessities. After we have collected and gathered all the items, we divided and packed them into 11 bags. The bags were distributed among 11 households.

On 29 August 2013, we went down to visit the elderly there. The elderly there thanked us and we were really glad that we could help alleviate their financial burden, even just by a little.

Through this project, we have learnt to be more appreciative of the things we have, instead of whining over the lack of items we want. We learnt to treasure what we have, and to find joy in the simple things. There are people out there who do not have their basic needs met, and that alone is something we should be thankful for – a roof over our heads, clothes to wear, and food to eat. Instead of being greedy for more, we have learnt to be satisfied with what we have.