Sunday 8 September 2013

Activity on 4 September (inter-cca) :D

For today’s activity, the sec2s had 5point test and the sec3s had inter-cca competition. The sec3s were to assemble at the LT1 at 2.45pm. Originally, we had 22 sec3s but because some of them had Teachers’ Day preparations and some had to be in charge of the sec2s, only 10+ sec3s participated in the inter-cca. Nevertheless, this did not affect our moral and we did our best for the competition.

There were 4 kinds of games to take part in, Modified Floorball, Frisbee, Goalball and Sitting Volleyball. I was in the team for Sitting Volleyball. The day’s activity started off late as we took awhile to settle down for the teachers to brief us. After the briefing, we were sent to our respective venues.

The first game for Sitting Volleyball was Guides VS Volleyball. I was really excited as it was my first time playing this game. At first, I thought that the game would be boring as we were only able to sit down and so we cannot move around fast enough to catch the ball but the game was actually very enjoyable. As we cannot move fast enough, we had to cooperate with each other to be able to coordinate well and catch the ball. In the end, Guides lost to Volleyball 13-16 but it was still a very good game and I found it really enjoyable.

I think that the inter-cca is really very meaningful and games like Sitting Volleyball and Goalball makes us experience how the handicapped plays the game. Through these games, we can learn to think for others and think in other people’s point of view.
The games ended and we went back for a debrief. All the sec3s who participated got a coupon where we can exchange for a can of H2O at the canteen! There was also a milo cart for the sec3s during the inter-cca! Overall, I really enjoyed myself and I hope to have more of these activities next time.

Lee Quan Fang, Hibiscus Patrol