Sunday 8 September 2013

Reflection for 30 August :)

On Friday's activity, we fell in at the concourse in our full uniform and did the usual greetings and uniform check. Many of our uniform were not up to standard and we were 18 minutes late. After that, we had colour party before doing a bit of drilling. Next, we had games! We were supposed to cross over to another side while standing on newspapers and were allowed to move on and get another newspaper by answering a question correctly. Unfortunately, we did not have much time and had to proceed to the next activity which was outdoor cooking! The theme was " Potato Land " , we had to make potato as our main item in our dish. We were taught how to start a fire , and most of us were quite successful in doing so which I think was good as we took quite a long time to start it last time. My patrol made mash potato and cheese with sausage which I think was really nice!! :-) After cooking, we had to clean up. Despite many warnings from the seniors, we choked up the sinks. We were then given a lecture by them which I think we should all really reflect on. Like what they've said, it is our responsibility and they should not have to clean up our mess. Also, we had a lot of mistakes for that day and I feel we have to improve on our attitude and punctuality too. I hope we can strive to do better next time and aim to have 0 mistakes as what cheng sing pl said!

-zing rong , hibiscus patrol .
mash potato and cheese with sausage!

Hibiscus Patrol!