Sunday 8 September 2013

Reflection for 28 August :)

On the 28th August, we fall in in our Guides half uniform and did uniform check and roll call as usual. Then, the Sec 2s did drilling while the Sec 1s were taking their tests. We did alot of drilling and I feel that we can improve more on our drilling and be more alert as our drilling was not that good and there is alot of room for improvements. After the Sec 1s took their tests, we were told to go to the sec 1 classes for our initiative. We made houses made up of ice cream sticks and we painted it and hung individual photos of our company's Guides. Each patrol does one house and within a patrol, work was distributed. My patrol did not manage to complete the house in time however we still managed to stick it together in the end, we had alot of fun painting the house, experimenting with different mixtures of colours. My patrol bonded more as a patrol and had alot of fun and we grew closer and I think all the other patrols also had fun and bonded more with one another. I hope there are more initiatives like these in which we can bond more with other patrols or even within our own patrol and with both coys. Then after we were done with our initiatives, we helped to clean up the classrooms and then went to the concourse and had a sharing session. Each patrol was told to share what interesting fact we had found out during this initiative. I found out alot more about my patrol members and we bonded more together. The sharing session was really fun as it brought laughter, joy and cheers to everyone of us. After that, we fall in by the concourse and were dismissed from there. Overall, this activity was really fun, meaningful and enjoyable! :)

Leow Ruo Qing Rachel, Oriole Patrol