Tuesday 15 October 2013

18 Oct's (Friday) Activity

Hi guides! :)
These are the details for 18 Oct, Friday's activity

Fall in at the concourse at 2.30pm sharp in your guides half u. Ensure that your nails are cut, socks are 4 fingers high and that your hair is neatly pinned up :) Also, please revise your A-frame tent as you will be having your 5point test and you are required to pitch the A-frame tent within 30mins.

Fall in at the concourse at 2pm sharp in your guides half u. Ensure that your nails are cut, socks are 4 fingers high and that your hair is neatly pinned up :) Do store your bags in the guides room before coming for activity. Bring along the handouts given to you during the first session. If you have handed them up to Jing Yu QM, she will return them to you before you leave for the test. There will be a bus to the PSA building and back. :) JIAYOUS!

For both sec1s and sec2s:
1. Please read up on how to construct a kitchen sink (page 166 of the handbook). The lashes involved are snake lash and square lash.
2. Please bring along a blindfold/tie/old shirt.(keep it in your pocket) :D
3. Remember to bring your consent forms for EDD jamboree, Camp Christine cleanup and November Camp. Hand in the forms to Ying Ying ACL at 3BN. She will be in class by 7am! For the November Camp consent form, detach the bottom part of the first page and attach it to the second page. (Keep the top half of the first page for yourself!) Ensure that your parent has signed on both pieces of paper and fill up the forms before submitting them.
4. Also remember to bring your full uniform. Please refer to Jing Yu QM's checklist as your prepare your uniform.

seeya :D