Wednesday 16 October 2013

World Thinking Day 2014 Competitions! \o/

Hi Guides!!!

As mentioned during activity just now, there will be five competitions (Vlog, Poster Design, Band, Animation and Blog) for you to choose from. You are required to participate in at least one of them. 

All entries must be accompanied with a entry form (forms are with your respective CLs) and must capture the WTD theme ('Girls worldwide say, "Education opens doors for all girls."').  

The deadline for ALL the competitions is 2 January 2014, Wednesday. Please adhere to the deadline!

These are the specific details for each of the competitions.

Vlog Competition: {Submit a 5-minute long Vlog on how Girl Guides Singapore can achieve WAGGGS's Vision 2020 ("All girls and young women are valued and take action to change the world.")}

  • 3 entries per COY 
  • Work piece must be uploaded to either Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #GGSWTD2014C1
  • Save a copy of the Vlog in a CD after uploading it onto the respective sites. (Note: the CD will NOT be returned.) 
  • Application form and CD to be submitted to your respective CLs by 2 January 2014. 

Poster Design Competition:{Submit a 2-dimensional (laminated) A3 poster which shows that your company has demonstrated thrift.}

  • 3 entries per COY
  • Application form and A3 poster to be submitted to your respective CLs by 2 January 2014 

Band Competition:{As a company, form a band and perform a selected song that is relevant to Guiding.}

  • 3 entries per COY 
  • The performance must be recorded and uploaded onto YouTube.
  • Application form and link to be submitted to your respective CLs by 2 January 2014

Animation Competition:{As a company, create an online interactive activity on innovative ideas or suggestions on Water Conservation/Education.}

  • 3 entries per COY 
  • It must be uploaded onto the internet.
  • Application form and link to be submitted to your respective CLs by 2 January 2014

Blog Competition:{Set up and maintain a blog that promotes International Friendship.}

  • 2 entries per COY
  • By January 2014, your blog should include at least 2 photographs, 2 videos, and 5 interesting posts with relevance to International Friendship.
  • The blog must be kept active from January 2014 to December 2014.
  • Application form and link to be submitted by 2 January 2014.

There is ample time to prepare for the competitions, so we hope you will do a good job! YOU CAN ALSO TAKE PART IN MORE THAN ONE COMPETITION IF YOU WISH TO! :D

Please inform your respective CLs of the competition you wish to join. Include your name and, should you form groups, the name of your group members as well. Please text us by 18 October 2013, Friday, 9pm. 

Thank you for reading such a lengthy post!!!11!!!
