Saturday 28 December 2013

Sec 3 Step-Up Programme 2014

Hello Sec 2s of 2013!!!

As mentioned in Cai Leng AQM's message to all of you, in preparation for the change of leadership in the second half of 2014, you will be organising the following events.

Sunday 22 December 2013

Heritage Badge for Sec 3s (2014)

Hello Sec2 ---> Sec3 guides!

You all have to complete your heritage Badge this year and hand up to us on the First day of  School. (2nd January 2014)

Please take note that this badgework is compulsory. 

Theme: Forging Family Ties 

End Product: Scrapbook

The following is the criteria for this badgework. 

1. Family Tree - At least 4 generations (Including your generation) 

2. A 100 words description for each generation. (Eg. The love story between your mom and dad, the career path that your grandparents took,etc) 

3. At least 10 photographs (photocopied, actual photo is not allowed) of you with your family. There should be a caption written beside the photo. 

Please follow the actual instructions listed above. Any work submitted with any criteria not fulfilled properly will be returned and guides will be asked to re-do the scrapbook again. 

No sloppy work is allowed. (eg. Tears and folds, Ink smudged in water, photos not stuck on properly, etc.) 

Neat presentation and decorations will be counted as a part of Bonus and more marks will be rewarded. 

Please hand up your work to either Cai Leng AQM or Jing Yu QM in 4IT on the first day of school. 
You can always text us if you have any questions. 
Cai Leng AQM (91595371)
Jing Yu QM (97311567)

Enjoy your holidays, and get ready for school! (----: 
-JingYu QM