Sunday 26 January 2014

Reflection for 22 January

 Today, was the last day of CCA experience. We fall in at the concourse at 3pm in our guides half-uniform. After that, the sec 1s start coming to the concourse for the CCA experience. There were more Sec 1s than I expected. ^^ Next, we had roll call. After we had roll call, we were supposed to scatter. Unfortunately, I was the only one in my own patrol so I joined the Oriole patrol instead.

Then, the Sec 1s were assigned to the patrols. We played station games where the Sec 3s tested our 5 senses. There were five stations in total. At the trophy room, we had to test our sense of taste and had to keep our eyes close while the seniors feed us with food and we had to guess what food was it. At the guides room, we were tested our signs of sight, where the seniors say a color and we had to point out an item that the senior was thinking of. At the computer lab 4, we had to test our sense of touch, the seniors give us random things to touch and we had to guess what it was. At the physic lab, we were tested on our sense of hearing. The seniors played songs for us to hear. Lastly, at the concourse, we were tested on our sense of smell. We were to smell things given by the senior and guess what it was. This game was really fun. I think that the game masters did a marvelous job. :) 

After the game, we had cheering session with the Sec 1s. While we were teaching the Sec 1s the Mickey Mouse cheer, the Sec 1s had to leave. :'(  Then,  the Sec 2 had drilling sessions.
After that, we had patrol talk where the  Sec 4 seniors told us the new guide rules and also 
discussed about patrol outing for those patrol who have yet to have theirs.

Lastly, we did punishment. A commander from SJAB told the seniors that we had cut their squad and we had 500 mistakes. We then did the Human Tunnel as punishment.   We learnt  form our mistake and punishment. We also learn to be more aware of our surroundings and we will be more careful in the future so that we would not make the same mistake again or other mistakes.

Today was one of the most unforgettable and memorable  day I had in Guides.

- Megan Lim, Sunflower patrol
CCA Experience!

The Sec 3s 'talk'


Human tunnel

Spent after punishment