Sunday 26 January 2014

Reflection for 24 January

So yesterday was our third activity of the year and we didn't have cca experience. Instead we started off with me falling down and some drilling (which i didn't join) while the sec 3s went to take their 5point test. 
Anyways, after that we had a super short cheering session and clothesline competition which we had to design and built the most creative clothesline within our patrols. My patrol combined with Mynah and we won of course *flips hair*xD
After that, we played hide and seek and we had to run around the school looking for seniors and doing challenges to get their signatures. The patrol which gets the most signature wins. In the end orchid patrol won and we proceeded with punishments and running around the lake (which i sat out too) and then we were dismissed after that. 
Overall it was quite fun for me during cheering session and the clothesline competition. P.s. pls have food for rewards next time8)

Tammi Toh, Oriole patrol^^

Clothesline competition

Seniors' Clothesline

Juniors completing tasks to acquire signatures

End of activity!