Thursday 30 January 2014

World Thinking Day 2014 ~~~

Hi Guides ~~

World Thinking Day this year will be held at Changkat Changi Secondary School on 22 February 2014 (Saturday) from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

For World Thinking Day this year, performances and learning festivals will be organised. The booth and performance should be in line with the theme, "Education Open Doors to All Girls". Girl guides Singapore is focusing on 5 countries for this year's theme on education; namely Egypt, Benin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Armenia and Bangladesh.

Also, due to space constraints, including the 4 emcees and those involved in the booth set-up and performance, only 30 Guides will be chosen to attend.

Dance (COY 1: Armenian dance performance)

  • Participating team to consist only of 8 members
  • Duration of performance must be within 3 minutes
  • Costume should not be revealing
  • Participating DANCE teams are to bring their own CD/thumbdrive with the song clearly indicated. Any remix music must be burned into one CD/thumbdrive
*Dance team to showcase their dance to Miss Anisa on 14 February 2014 (Friday).

Booths (COY 1: Armenian Mask // COY 2: Necklaces from psylla beads)

  • Booth has to be both informative and interactive
  • Participating team to consist of only 8 members
  • Only 1 canteen table and 2 benches will be provided for each booth
  • No electricity point will be provided and each team are to bring their own materials
  • No food/drinks are allowed to be showcased at the booth
  • No selling of items allowed

If you would like to join either the performance or the booth or attend the event, please text your respective CLs by 9 p.m., Saturday (1 February 2014) your NAME, MOBILE PHONE NUMBER, CLASS, AND NRIC NUMBER.

Thank you!
