Sunday 5 January 2014

Selected Guides for Drilling Badge 2014

Hello Guides! 

We have already selected 13 guides for Drilling Badge this year! And the 13 sec 3 guides are: 

Rachel Tan 
Kah Yin 
Wi En 
Seow Khim 
Jia Yi 
Yu Qing 
Qi Yi

The above list is not arranged according to merit, don't worry!

For those Sec 3s who are not selected for this badge, do not be upset! It's not that you are worse than the others , it's just that we think that you have room for improvement and are not really ready for the test yet. Don't be depressed over it, okay? (------: 

There will be drilling sessions for the 13 of you during every guides activity. Of course, there will be extra drilling training after school for certain days too! I will update you all about the extra drilling training as soon as possible and I hope all of you would be present to perfect your drilling! Thank you, and have fun in camp! 

xoz xoz, 
Jing Yu QM.