Sunday 5 January 2014

Wee Kim Wee Challenge

Hi Guides, 

We will be sending two teams of 4 Guides each for Wee Kim Wee Challenge. (1 team per COY)Each team will be made up of two presenters and two cooks. This competition is open to Sec 3 and 4 Guides.

Some background:
The late Mr Wee Kim Wee was the fourth president of Singapore. The Wee Kim Wee Challenge Shield was presented to Girl Guides Singapore by our late President Wee at the end of his term as President of Republic of Singapore. His wife, Wee Eng Hwa (also known as Mrs Wee) is known to be a very good cook. She published a cookbook called "Cooking For The President" in 2010. The cookbook also includes much details of Mr Wee's personal life with photographs.

Girl Guides Singapore organises the Wee Kim Wee Challenge once every two years and Guides will go through stringent round of preparation to present their cooked dishes on the competition day itself. This year, a total of 53 teams will be competing. During the preliminary challenge, teams will go against other teams in the same division. After which, two teams from each division will be chosen to go to the final rounds. We have 14 teams from East Division competing in the preliminary rounds. The final winner of the Challenge brings the glory back to their school with their school's name engraved onto the Challenge Shield itself. 

The team for this year is: "...... Imagine More...."

Each team will need to cook two dishes for the challenge. After drawing lots during the briefing, we were assigned two ingredients. One COY will have to use coconut as part of their dish, while the other COY will have to use Rice Flour

Each team will have to prepare a dish at home (pre-prepared before coming for the competition). These dishes has been assigned to us as well. The COY who is using coconut as part of their dish has to pre-prepare Sweet Crispy Grated Coconut also known as Sesagun . We have been given the recipe and will have to follow it closely. The other COY who is using Rice Flour as their dish as to pre-prepare Ondeh Ondeh (see picture attached). Again, the recipe has been given to us and we will have to follow it closely. These dishes have to be prepared by the team, and not bought from any stalls.

The other dish that the team has to cook at the venue will be any international dish that uses the ingredients that we have been assigned. The international dish has to be either from Africa (such as South Africa), Western Hemisphere (such as Brazil), Europe (such as France), Arab (such as Lebanon) or Asia Pacific (such as Fiji) region. HQ has been kind enough to give us sample recipes from these regions that we can choose to cook on the competition day. We are also allowed to cook any other dishes from the region, if we want to.

The presenters will then have to present the dishes to a team of judges in a creative way. The presenters will have to come up with posters or any other presentation ideas to present their dish to the judges. They will be given a laptop and a printer and must do all their printing, cutting and typing on competition day. They will have to explain how different their international dish is from the local dish. They also have to explain how differently the main ingredient is used locally in Singapore and in the country their international dish is from. They have to also be familiar with ingredients used during the "cook-off."

Criteria for presenters: Confident speakers who are vocal.

Criteria for cooks: Be able to cook the dishes stated (do not worry, we will have practices with the home econs teacher). Creative to explore different ways to prepare dishes.

Preliminary round details
Date: 25 Jan
Time: 9.30am - 4pm
Venue: Camp Christine

Final round details
Date: 1 Mar
Time: 8 - 2 pm
Venue: Camp Christine

If you are interested to sign up, please text me your name, class, phone number by tonight.

-Bingpei CL