Monday 20 January 2014

Reflection for 15 January:)

Today was the very first guides activity in 2014. It was also the day of CCA Experience for the Secondary 1 students. YAY! :) We fell in at the concourse at 2.45p.m. After roll call, the Sec 1s who turned up for Girl Guides CCA trials joined us in games. We played games like ' Captain's Calling', 'Murderer' and another one where we have to guide our partners to pick up our shoes from the centre ring of the circle. We then had a mini drilling session where we taught the Sec 1s some cheers :D After which, when the Sec 1s left, the Sec 2s did some drilling before proceeding to do PT. This activity was a fun one and hopefully, the Sec 1s will join guides this year! (:  

-Natalie Chew, Mynah Patrol