Sunday 16 February 2014

Reflection for 14 February

today was the second activity for the sec ones. However, instead of doing something fun and crazy like what we did for on Wednesday, we did something more practical
like practicing for the World Thinking Day contingent on 21 Feb. We all tried our very best in perfecting our drilling.With the ex ex ex seniors present it sure pressured us to do our very best. This year, instead of the contingent taking place in front of the GA, its taking place in the GA. It was a new experience for many of us.Drilling as one whole contingent with the scouts makes me feel the bond and unity you can get in UG. On the whole activity was really fun today. :)

Hannah, Dove Patrol

Checking of uniform!


Sec 1s learning about how guides came about



And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our February babies Jiayi and Wi En! :))))