Sunday 16 February 2014

Sec 1 bronze total defence badge work (Part 1)

Hello sec 1s!

Hope you had a great weekend :)

There will be an upcoming badge work for all of you to get the total defence bronze badge. Here's how you should do the first part of it.

This badge work consists of two parts (part two will be posted on a later date). First part is an individual work [to be done at home] worth 15 marks.

                Objective: To explain TOTAL DEFENCE (TD) and its necessity. [15 marks]
Guides are to do up a poster to promote and create awareness among the people about Total Defence. The poster must be able to effectively explain at least one of the five aspects of total defence – economic, social, military, civil and psychological defence and needs to include the total defence logo. The poster needs to be at least A4 in size, at most A3. The poster must be can hand drawn and must be fully coloured.

Posters will be graded based on how relevant it is to total defence and how effectively it can explain the aspect chosen by the guide. Detailed works will receive higher marks. The amount of effort put into the work by every guide plays a very important role in the marks awarded. Interesting and attractive work will be given a higher grade.


More details will be given on Wednesday's activity. Do feel free to ask if you have any doubts.

Thankyouuu :-)