Sunday 2 March 2014

5 March (wed) and 7 March (fri) Activity :D


Wednesday 5March
1. Fall in in Guides half u at the concourse at 3pm sharp with your socks 3 fingers above ankle, hair neatly pinned behind, with nails that are short and neat and also for sec1s, if you have not alter your skirt or punched holes for your belt, please get it done by wednesday. Also, have your meals before coming to cca :)

2. Sec3s you guys will be having canvas tent pitching/Flag pole pitching so do hydrate yourselves before coming okay

3. AND WE HAVE WON GOLD FOR PUAN NOOR AISHAH AWARD 2013 YAY!!!! So we'll be having our PNA celebration on Wednesday!! We'll be having a Patrol BBQ partay! soooo please bring the following items:

-Wire mesh
-Match Boxes
-BBQ food (eg. marshmallows, satays, otahs, chicken wing-at your own risk hahaha, fishballs, sotongballs, butter)
-Satay stick (to poke the food??)
-Loads of maomaos and twigs (please bring your patrol sec1s to pick maomaos and twigs)

4. Sec1s please try to memorize our Guides intro cheer cos we'll be doing one loud one during our celebration :)
"We the Girl Guides marching on the street x2,
Looking smart and looking neat x2,
We got strength that you cant fight x2,
We got spirit you all lack x2, 
1 1 2 2,
Hey How Hey Why, 
Guides just wanna have fun time and time,
Rock you baby, 
yeah, yeah, 
Hey How Hey Why,
We show our best to you, 
Chung Cheng Girl Guides Number 1,
We are the best alright!"

If you're unsure of the tune, go scrolll down the blog to this blogpost that Jazel CL put up that has the sec1 recruitment video :D we did half the cheer inside XD or you know like Whatsapp got this recording function now? you can get your patrol members to record their voice of the cheer :D

Friday, 7March
1. Fall in in the concourse at 3pm sharp, have your meals before coming

2. Sec1s, assemble at the concourse in Guides Half u (grey tee and blue skirt) and make sure your socks are high enough, hair neatly pinned back and also nails are short and neat, at 2.05pm sharp. Sec1s you all will be going to PSA building for your Energy Efficiency Course with Ms Anisa :) and you will come back to guides at ard 5.15 pm so do leave your bags in the guides room but bring along your water bottles, pencil case and also you will need to bring one of your utility bills for the course :) 

3. Sec2s fall in in Guides FULL UNIFORM! Make sure your braids are neat, fringe is neatly pinned to the back, nails are short, badges are polished, socks are high enough, and pls tie your scarf nicely. Make sure it is a 2cm by 2cm square at the front and make sure your scarf is of the same length and DO NOT IRON THE ENDS OF YOUR SCARF it's really ugly cos you can puff it afterwards. If you guys need help tying your scarf, do approach your seniors. Also, bring along your beret. 

4. Sec3s please fall in in Guides half u and bring along your Guides Full U to the concourse before falling in. Make sure you polish all your badges and bring your beret along. Tie your braids before coming for CCA.

5. Sec2s that are supposed to have your personal and social development retest please prepare a skit beforehand on how you can control your feelings when met with a situation (eg. someone insults you, online bullying, etc)

6. Sec2s and Sec3s who have yet to complete your total defence silver presentation, you all will be having it on Friday so do come prepared and please project your voice when presenting

7. Sec3s you guys will be having your5 point test on social and personal development 3.4 so study for it!!

8. Sec3s will be pitching canvas tent/pitching flagpole on friday so do hydrate yourselves and also bring your bottles to the field.

9. WE ARE HAVING CCA PHOTOSHOOT ON FRIDAY!! So do ensure that you wear your Full Uniform nicely and neatly. Sec1s you all will be wearing your Guides half u since you have not been enrolled yet. SO LOOK PRETTY ON FRIDAY :D and also, do not forget to bring any part of your uniform. CCA will end at 6.30pm instead since our photoshoot slot is quite late. So do inform your parents about it. 

And do note that we will not be having CCA on 12March as it is common test week. :)

Bing and Ying :D