Sunday 2 March 2014

Reflection for 19 February:)

On the 19th of February, we fell in at the concourse at 3pm and did the usual stuff like row call. We then proceeded to the Grand Auditorium to have our World Thinking Day rehearsal with the scouts. We practiced longer than the scouts as we had to help the sec1s work on their turning. Although it was tiring, it was worth it as our schoolmates would get to see a very uniform squad :)  After the rehearsal, we had out Total Defence Silver badge test. Most of the groups did not pass and I felt that all of us should have worked harder. Ms Tan also pointed out our mistakes so that we can improve on them. I hope that every one of us can pass the Total Defence badge for our retest :)

Wang JiaYi, Mynah Patrol

Practicing for World Thinking Day:)

Total Defense Badge test in progress...