Sunday 9 March 2014

activity details for 14 march!

hello everyoneeee

(there is no activity on Wednesday!!) ((remember that!!))

As for the activity on Friday, fall in at 3 p.m. sharp (by 'fall in', it means you have to finish greeting ALL of your seniors) in Guides half-uniform. Please make sure your attire is up to standard! Have your lunch before coming for CCA as well!

Sec 1s, you will be leaving for the PSA building to take your EEC test. Sec 2s, you will be having a 5-point test on Personal and Social Development 2.2! Please study for the test! COY 1 Sec 3s will be doing axemanship, and COY 2 Sec 3s will be doing turfing and water boiling so read up on it and all that jazz!!

There will be PATROL CORNER *jazz hands* on Friday as well!! It has been mentioned in yingz&bingz's previous blog post (click here if you've missed it) that each Patrol would have to dress 4 Patrol members up! Use this time wisely and come up with good ideas!! :D

erm yeah that's all study hard and good luck for common tests!!!!

see you on friday!!!! ;-D

((guess who))