Monday 10 March 2014

Reflection for 5 March:)

On the 5th of March , we falled in at 3pm and had our roll call . The sec 3s then went to have their canvas pitching and the sec 2s went for drill and we learnt got to improve some drills (: like moving three steps to the front , back , left and right (: although we didn't do it very well , but I think all of us did put in effort in trying to do our best to memorize the command and I think we would be able to do it very soon (-: We then had gadget making , where my group made a shoe rack , I think we didn't really do a good job as the sides of the shoe rack was loose and thus I think we could have improved more on our gadget makings (: afterwards , we had our patrol BBQ party!! it was really fun as it was the first time we had our barbecue party during cca ^^ we brought food to barbecue and got to spend more time with our seniors and juniors which I really enjoyed very much and hope to have another one again ;D 

Vanessa Lau , Sparrow Patrol

Pitching of flag pole...

Shoe rack making!