Sunday 16 March 2014

CIP :)

HEYYY Guides :D

I have 2 CIPs available for you guys to participate in

1) Wushu Championship 2014
I need 20 people to volunteer for this.
It would be on 17 April (thurs) and 18 April (Fri) from 1030h-1830h
You will get a maximum of 5h for this CIP
Do note that this is also Yeoman service :)
Text Jazel CL if youre interested for this

2) Sports Day
I need 10 people to volunteer for this.
It will be on 27 March, and you will get 3.5h of VIA
This is only open to sec1s-sec3s
Text Bing CL if youre interested for this

Please note that you all are required to complete at least 6h of VIA per year. If you're interested, do sign up by Wed night :) If we don't get enough volunteers, we'll pick by random

Thanks :)

Lub, CLs