Wednesday 19 March 2014

Total defence badge (bronze) for sec 1s

Hello Sec 1s!

Remember the other day when I told you about the second part of the total defence badge? This is how you should do the second part:

Objective: To provide incentive to participate in Total Defence. [25 marks]

This assignment consists of two parts, a photo and a write up. The assignment has to be type and printed out,

For this assignment, guides will be allowed to divide themselves into groups of 4-5. In each group, guides will take a photo of themselves and all of the members should be in the photo, imitating a certain item/body movements related to the different aspect of total defence. For example, if guides choose to represent a hut, two can imitate the roof; another two can imitate pillars, while the last one imitates a bench inside the hut (e.g. the roof represents military defence).

The photo must show at least three different aspects of total defence and each part of the photo can only represent one aspect of total defence. (For example, the roof can only represent military defence but not two aspects of total defence. This is to encourage creativity in guides.) Photos must be taken using a digital camera and must be of high resolution. It can be taken from different angles if one angle is not sufficient to show clearly what they are imitating.

A short write up of 150-200 words is required to explain the photo. Guides can choose to scan or print the photo and attach it to the write up. In the write up, guides must show their understanding of the aspects of total defence which their group have chosen and describe how the photo depicts that aspect. The write up should include five parts.

Part 1: each member’s name, class and patrol.
Part 2: short and detailed introduction stating who is imitating which part and the aspect that part represents.
Part 3 - 5: each paragraph on one part and its relevance to the corresponding total defence aspect.
Photos and write-ups will be graded based on its relevance to total defence and how effectively it can explain the three chosen aspects of total defence. Interesting and attractive work awarded a higher grade.

NOTE: Photos can only be taken using digital cameras, no phone cameras are allowed.


There will be 40 minutes allocated for all of you next Friday. 10 minutes for discussion, 10 minutes for photo taking and 20 minutes for report writing, so group leaders please ensure that your group has at least one digital camera. The E-cube room will be booked and each group will be allocated to one laptop, so each group should also have at least one thumb drive to save the word document. Report has to be printed and typed.

More details will be given on our first activity, Wednesday, next week. Feel free to text me if you have any questions.

Also, those who've not submitted part 1 (poster) to me yet, please do so next monday morning.

Enjoy the rest of your holidays :-)
Wei Ran AQM