Wednesday 19 March 2014

Pioneer Test'14

Hello Sec 2 & 3 Guides, 

Your Pioneer test will be on 2nd April, Wednesday, during activity.
Those who have signed up for the Pioneer course are to stay back to practice your skills next Tuesday.

The practice session starts at 1530 hours sharp, you guys are to fall in at the field. Please do not be late. You may wish to change into your PE top and school CCHM shorts underneath. There will be 4 skills that you will be practicing on: 
      1. Pitching of Fire Shelter using the Green Poncho
      2. Firelighting
      3. Axe-manship and Map reading
      4. Rope Tying

Your practice will end at around 1730 hours. 

Please use this period of time to revise your notes and recall what you have learnt during the course. 
Enjoy your March Holidays! 

Thank you and recharge well! 

-JingYu QM (------: