Friday 21 March 2014

Puan Noor Aishah Award

Sorry for the late post on our PNA award 2013 ! :)

So! As all of you all know, after a year of hardwork, BOTH COY1 and COY2 have achieved GOLD in the Puan Noor Aisha Award 2013! YAYYYY! Puan Noor Aishah Award is an award to rank Guides Company's in Singapore and all of you should be proud that this is our second consecutive GOLD award! So here are some photos teehee!

Waiting waiting waiting!
Can you spot us?

Group Photo is a must right?
And here's another one! :D
And another one with the seniors who helped us take the previous 2 photos :)
COY1 COY2 pride!
More photos!
The ACLs
Company Leaders
Again :D
COY1 Leaders

Flower power!

COY2 Bird keepers ;)
And the lovely QM and AQM :)

Thanks for all your hardwork Guides! Let's continue our efforts and get GOLD again next year! I'm sure we can do it!