Tuesday 1 April 2014

Reflection for 26 March:)

We started off by doing roll call and drillings as usual and the sec 2s also taught the sec1s how to tie a square lash and clove hitch and how to undo them . we also taught them how to make a shoerag as a patrol. Then we had cheering session! :D
All in all , i find guides tiring but worth it and meaningful and we learn useful things like pitching tent , making shoerags and stuff that may be useful in future . It is also an extended family that we find warmth in and also make friends here!! We will also be more disciplined but we ought to be faster next time .
Hazelxx ,
Hibiscus patrol
Sec 2s drilling!

Sec 3s guiding their juniors:)

Games by sec 2s

Sec 3s practicing pitching flag pole
