Tuesday 1 April 2014

Reflection for 28 March:)

On Friday, we did the usuals and the sec 3s were told to revise the steps of enrolment ceremony with the sec 1s. I feel that enrolment ceremony is then most important ceremony in guides because it is when we become a real Guide. Meanwhile, the sec 2s get to practice the chopping of wood which is also one of the tests in pioneer. After all these hands on activities, we finally got to drill! Drilling is like our UG pride although some non UG CCAs like band get to drill too hence we'll work on our drilling! :) Then it was time for station games which was like a prerequisite for our physical training. PT was intense but however, like what BingPei CL mentioned, it is what that bonds us together and it truly shows our one for all and all for one spirit!!! I hope the sec 1s will not dislike guides since it was their first intense PT and find their passion towards guides as well as true friendships! Always in mind the ABCDE rules: dont Argue dont Bargain dont Complain dont Delay and no Excuses

Carrie Ng Dove Patrol :)



Revising enrollment ceremony!


Physical Training!