Wednesday 2 April 2014

Sec3 Skills Training details

Hi Sec3s!
As mentioned just now during activity, this is the tentative details for Sat :)

Sec3s skills training – Step up programme
Date: 5 April 2014, Saturday
Time: 0730-1000
Assembly Area: Lake Area
Attire: Orange camp tee and Pe shorts

Sec3s groupings:
Kah Yin
Ng Wi En
Adelle Wee
Wong Zing Rong
Carrie Ng
Koh Qi Yi
Ong Seow Khim
Foo Jun Wei
Sheena Ng
Wang Jia Yi
Eunice Ng
Lee Hui Ting
Hannah Wong
Rachel Tan
Tan Xing Lin
Dinise Chng
Esther Seow
Elissa Cheng
Lee Yu Qing

1. Flag Pole Pitching
Venue: Round about
Duration: 45minutes

2. Canvas Tent Pitching
Venue: Field/Grand Audi grass patch (depending on ground condition)
Duration: 45minutes

3. Knots and Lashings
Venue: Steps by the lake, in front of Guides room
Duration: 45minutes

Guides will be taught basic knots and lashings:
-Tripod Lash
-Diagonal Lash
-Snake Lash
-Pole hitch
Things to take note of:
-Leave no string dangling
-Cut away excess string
-Ensure that knots and lashings are tight
-Ensure that knots and lashings are neat (no crisscrossing)

Group 1: Canvas Tent pitching > Knots and Lashings > Flag pole pitching
Group 2: Flag Pole Pitching > Canvas Tent pitching > Knots and Lashings
Group 3: Knots and Lashings > Flag pole pitching > Canvas Tent pitching

Sec4 Duty List
Flag Pole
Canvas Tent pitching
Knots and Lashings
Jing Yu
Wei Ting
Ying Ying
Xin Hui
Hsin Chen
Bing Pei
Jie Ai
Yu Qing
Wei Ran
Quan Fang
Jia Xuan
Lu Jing
Cheng Sing
Koh Qing

** - Please read up on canvas tent pitching and your knots and lashings before coming! You have limited time so you guys have to move quickly

-Also, do bring along at least a 1litre water bottle! AND HAVE YOUR BFAST BEFORE COMING OK
-And lastly, study for any aspects of 5 point in the Guides handbook [hint: be prepared]