Sunday 8 June 2014

Reflection for GGS Carnival :)

As I stepped into Changkat Changi Secondary School for the GGS Carnival, I saw a lot of booths with attractive items and immediately, I started becoming excited to spend my coupons and start playing.

After gathering and taking attendance, we proceeded to go to the booths. Most of us went to the CCHMS booths first to support them. I played at the booths for a total of 4 times. The games were quite fun! Then I carried on to play at the other booths.

After 2 hours, it was time for us to go home. I didn't win a lot of prizes and I wish I could have stayed longer but what matters was that I had a great time.

Shannon Effendi, Hibiscus Patrol


Congratulations to the winners for the GGS Carnival Poster Winners!
Done by Ng WiEn, Sparrow Patrol (1st Place)

Done by Janice Yong, Sunflower Patrol (4th Place)