Sunday 8 June 2014

Reflection for June Guides Training Camp '14

After 3 days of camp, I’ve definitely bonded a lot with my patrol and other guides. I was expecting a rather tough camp like last year's and going home being really tired and all of my muscles aching but this camp was really really slack and we didn’t really do anything tough. The first day started off with the Sec 3s checking our bags(just like last year) however really glad they didn’t ask us to take out everything because I’ve already packed my stuff nicely . J And then we had indoor  cooking  for lunch and dinner. I could say it’s two of the most unforgettable meals I had with the guides family <3 face="Wingdings" font="" style="font-size: 10.5pt; line-height: 115%; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-ascii-font-family: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-char-type: symbol; mso-hansi-font-family: Arial; mso-symbol-font-family: Wingdings;">J The satay were just ughhh because it was put in the freezer and we had a hard time trying to defrost it. T.T We were literally starving to death waiting for it to defrost and also we had a hard time trying to BBQ the satay as we don’t know if it’s cooked and many of us had eaten raw meat *yuckssss* And also we saved the fried rice for lunch since seniors told us the ingredient would be provided for dinner. Neither did we expect the dinner ingredient to be 3 chicken drumsticks!! *laughs* we had a really hard time waiting  for the chicken to be cooked (we almost starved to death T.T) Then the night activity and then we slept in classroom *yayyyyy* I was really sad as I was totally anticipating for the hike but it started raining T.T and I feel really bad since the sec3s had spent a lot of effort planning the hike and yet we can’t play all the station games >< and since it was raining, we had to go back to school and then campfireeeeeee!!!! It was held indoor again and I feel like most of us wasn’t really enthusiastic about it (sorry). Well then we had to sleep in tents afterward. And the last day of camp started off with running to the concourse and back to the field again repeatedly and then we had to run 3/ 4 rounds around the lake because we lack of urgency!! I really felt like dying when running around the lake because we hadn’t had our breakfast and I wasn’t really feeling very well but thinking that others is also running together I had the strength to continue running. J Then finally we get to go home!! YAYYYYY J
-Jin Yun(Orchid patrol)