Sunday 27 July 2014

Initiatives for Friday :)

Hello Guides :)

Many of you are unsure of what a long fabric strip is so here are some examples to show you. It is technically a long piece of cloth cut into strips and if you're unsure of how long it should be, it should be longer than your belt. If it is not long enough, please bring two pieces of the fabric strip that adds up to be longer than your belt length :) If you're unsure of where you can get the cloth, you can get it from daiso! Please don't get the felt type of cloth it isn't as practical as compared to the other type of softer cloth.

Below are examples of many long strips of fabric.

This is the type of cloth i'm referring to that you can get at daiso(I brought this).

A typical piece of Daiso cloth like this can be shared with about 3 to 4 of you so that you do not waste the cloth! And remember to bring your pillow case on Friday!

Wi En Pl ♡ [so sweet I want to eat myself om nom nom]