Sunday 31 August 2014

National Camp Reflections

From 15-18 August, I participated in the 13th National Camp, which was held at the Home Team Academy (HTA). This year's National Camp was organised by the National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC) and I got the chance to meet different people from different Uniformed Groups and schools during the camp.
On the first day, the Girl Guides gathered at the Guides Headquarters and we got into our respective groups and soon headed off to the HTA. I was very anxious as I was excited but nervous at the same time.
When we arrived at the HTA, we gathered and finally formed the groups. My group was named "Echo" and it was a rather huge group as there were about 60 people. I did not know anyone from my group but soon, we started to click as we bunked in. I was surprised when I saw the bunks as it was very comfortable and there were even new bed sheets for us!
The camp started off with an opening ceremony and we took the National Campers pledge. At that moment, I felt very grateful to be part of the big NC'14 family.
The first activity was organised by the Scouts, and we had to plan a proposal for a campfire. We were not familiar with each other yet so this was a chance for us to break the ice! As we missed half the activity due to the opening ceremony, the activity ended off in a flash.
The next activity was archery, organised by the Boys' Brigade. Through this, we were able to shoot with a real bow and arrow and tried to get as many points as possible. I wasn't very good at archery but it was extremely fun!
Then we had our lunch and the food that was served was surprisingly very good too!
Tub Rafting: This was organised by the Girl Guides and Girls' Brigade. We had to make a mini raft using chopsticks and twine. This was also a chance for the Girl Guides and Scouts to teach the other UGs more about Gadget Making and it was very fun too!
NCC Experience: This was organised by the National Cadet Corps. Here, I learnt how to hold a rifle and also some of the hand signals the soldiers used during their trainings. I also learnt how to shoot a grenade.
Unarmed Tactics: This was organised by the National Police Cadet Corps, and we learnt a few stunts and kicks to protect ourselves in an event of an emergency. I feel that it is extremely useful in our daily lives.
S.H.E: This meant Safe-Heal-Evacuate, an activity organised by the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps. Here, we learnt how to help a person evacuate in case of a fire and also how to make an improvised stretcher using 2 poles and a blanket.
First Aid Scenario: This was organised by the SJAB and the Red Cross Youth. We learnt how to provide first aid and CPR to people.
.22 revolved shoot: This was organised by the NPCC and it was extremely fun. We had a chance to shoot a real gun!

Overall, through this camp, I had a chance to learn and experience what other UGs do. My favorite activity was the .22 revolver shoot as it was a rare opportunity! During the campfire, I felt very sad as it was the last activity spent with my group.
Through this camp, I learnt many new skills and made many new friends. It was a wonderful experience and I am very thankful for this opportunity to participate in the National Camp 2014. ECHO!!!

-Qi Yi