Sunday 31 August 2014

National Camp Reflections

Along with Qiyi, we signed up to participate the National Camp event and I must really say it is one of my most memorable camps. Unlike any other camps we had in school, this is a combined camp with 10 different UGs and participants from across Singapore. There were over 600 participants and each group had about 60 people. As for my group,named Delta, there were 57 of us and I made a lot of new friends.

Throughout the camp, I really gained a lot of experience and learnt a lot as well. I've learnt how the other uniformed groups run their CCA and it was very different from how our UG works. The 4-day camp was filled with activities like
1) Archery
2) Flight Stimulation
3) 0.22 revolver shoot
4) tub rafting
5) S.H.E-Save, Heal, and Evacuate
6) Unarmed Tactics
7) NCC experience
8) First Aid Scenario
9) Campfire Organisation

My favourite activity was the First Aid Scenario. The facilitators asked for volunteers and I volunteered, not knowing that volunteering could be so much fun! Basically, they drew cuts and wounds on me that were so realistic, I thought I hurt myself! I was suppose to act like a casualty while my teammates would be making use of materials given to treat my wound. It was a fun and exciting experience even though the wounds look disgusting xD

Another activity that I enjoyed was the .22 revolver shoot. In this activity, we used real guns to shoot and it was an exciting activity. Due to my nervousness, my hands were shaking so violently that I could not hold my gun right x'D It was a great experience as we do not get to do these things during Guides activity and I really enjoyed it! :)

With different activities organised by different UGs, my teammates will give advice to those who are experiencing the activity for the first time. For example, the NPCC cadets would teach us how to aim properly with the gun as they did revolver shooting in their curriculum. As for the NCC experience, the NCC cadets would share their knowledge of what they learnt in their CCA like hand signals etc. Lastly, those who are in SJAB/Res Cross would know what to do when treating a casualty and hence would share their knowledge to us as well.

Overall, I enjoyed this camp as we all came from different CCAs but yet are all willing to share our knowledge from our CCAs to the group. Everyone is willing to help one another. I find my group quite bonded as we sang cheers together, and were all 'high' during the campfire! :D  We are still in contact with one another and created a Whatsapp group too!

I would really recommend those who are able to go, to participate in this camp. It is a bi-annual camp and not many people have the chance to participate. Even though it might be awkward on the first day of camp, but as time goes by, you will slowly bond with the group and get to know a lot of people!
I LOVE DELTA! ♥♥♥♥♥ :''))))))
