Monday 8 December 2014

PLTC Camp (24 November - 26 November) reflections

Hello!!! I was chosen to attend PLTC which is a patrol leader training camp and from what i heard from others, it sounded like a very good camp so i decided to try it out.
On the first day, i met many other guides from different schools but it was so awkward for me. (WenYi didn't come D: ) As we were not familiar with one another, the guiders then split us up into 7 patrols and one patrol consisted of one guide each from various schools! We had an ice breaker game, lunch, some leadership lectures and campfire preparation for the next night! My patrol was the health patrol so when others was dismissed to their bunks, we were cleaning up the toilets and kitchen. When we were done and get dismissed to go bathe, it was already 11:15pm
On the second day, we sat down in our meal ring to have breakfast, then, we had communication, which was something the guiders wanted us to have between our patrol members, so we can become closer. They then asked us to design a poster using one member's water bottle and we had to present it after. We also then discussed about some patrol corner games we can do as a patrol. Then we had lunch, wide games around camp christine and then we had to discuss about the wide game that would be held for the brownies the next day and last of all, OUR CAMPFIRE!!! As it was raining earlier that day, the ground was wet and so, we could not start the fire and hence, we had our campfire just like how we have it in school.
On the last day, we had to pack our belongings after breakfast and there was a cleaning of the site as Yishun Town Secondary would arrive for their camp in the early morning. After our cleaning up, we got to have this activity called guide's own, which the guiders taught us how it is about sharing our thoughts and reflections with each other. It can be those personal problems or anything they want to share with the patrol or company members. I find the activity was really meaningful as it helped me and my patrol members learn more about each other. We then had our wide games with the brownies and then it was finally the end of our camp.
PLTC was a very good opportunity for me as first, they have taught us many things I can do for my unit. For example, initiatives I can organise, or maybe patrol corner activities and maybe games that could be played during camps. They also gave us lots of ideas on how we can teach all the clauses we have to know in the guides handbook by using various games. Although we did not make any gadgets, on the last day before we went home, they brought us around to the lodge where Yishun Town Secondary was having their camp and showed us all the different kind of gadgets they made. Some include the shoe racks, bag racks, canvas tent, the outdoor kitchen, the supporters for the water hose and many more! Their patrol flags and identities were made with a lot of effort and i think this is a main point i can learn from them too!

||LiYing Dove Patrol (COY 2)||

here are some photos I took during the camp! :-)