Tuesday 2 December 2014


This year's year-end camp was held from 18 to 20 November

On 18 November, early in the morning at 0730, we reported for our year-end camp with our backpacks filled with the items needed. The Secondary 3s collected our valuables and placed them into a zip lock bag with the patrols' names stated on it. They proceeded to check our bags and my day pack was transparent so my PS could just check my bags with ease. The first day of camp did not start off very well as it soon started to rain... After which, the rain stopped for a while and we were given an hour to pitch our tents. However, things were not going very well for us. Some areas were not suitable to pitch the tents, while others were very muddy. The mud had caused most of our shoes to dirty on the first day of camp. Soon, it started to rain again. We did some drilling and camp preparations. As the weather was not suitable for us to have the planned Wide Games, we had our Guides initiative, which was making of dream catcher instead. I enjoyed making the dream catcher, although I did it badly :P It was lunch time! Our lunch were catered food in packets. After we finished our food, we played "Murderer" before continuing the making of dream catcher. We then have our outdoor cooking using the outdoor oven we made. The outdoor oven is very useful and it also saves electricity! We had our dinner after we cooked. We also bathed before we played some bonding games. Then, we had our supper and did our reflections before turning in.
My patrol had to wake up early to prepare the exercised we need to lead as we were in charge of "Health" that day. We did some exercises and stretches, and ran around the Chung Cheng lake once. After breakfast, we headed to Dhoby Ghaut MRT station for the Laser Ops. During the two team games, we bonded and strategize our plan as a patrol, building up the trust and relationships with one another. Laser Ops is really a fun game and we had a whale of time playing it! After lunch, we had our Wide Games. We had to use the given clues to find the places and complete the tasks given. The map given was not very clear and we had a hard time finding as we did not have GPS nor 3G to help us find the places using Google Map. (Well, at least we managed to complete 4 out of 8 tasks.) Soon, we had campfire after having our dinner! My patrol was the first to present our flag, cheer, identity and skit. We also had some games in between the presentations and performances of other patrols
The third day, we strike our tents and played the "Running Man" game planned by the Secondary 2s! It was really fun and my patrol got the most number of tokens! After which, we gave the gifts we prepared to our Manitas and did some area cleaning before heading home!

Overall, I like the bonding games we had during our free time. It bonds our relationship with other guides from other company, patrol and/or level, causing the guides family to be more close! I like the tent pitching the least as it rained and the field was very muddy, causing my shoes to be dirty on the first day of camp. I like the token system pretty much and encourages the system to be continued. The token system has encourages us to work as a patrol well. Moreover, every token earned counts! Helping your patrol earn a token, makes me feel happy and a sense of achievement. 

All in all, after the 3 days 2 nights camp, I really bonded well with my patrol and other guides. It was expected to be rather tough but it was fun instead as we had many bonding games!

~Koh Yu Jia from Jasmine Patrol

For more pictures: https://db.tt/8cXueXdd