Monday 1 December 2014

Camp Training Course @ Camp Christine REFLECTIONS :)

Erin and I attended the Camp Training Course organised for girl guides from all over Singapore. It was my first time having a four day three night camp at Camp Christine and with guides from other schools. All of us gathered at the guides headquarters before a bus took us to the camp site. Once we arrived , the camp commander assigned us to our own patrols by our school division. Since there was only 6 guides from the east division , we were grouped together. We then proceeded to pitch our own canvas tent and we did quite well for our first time. Pitching a canvas tent was very different from the normal tents that we used in our school camp as it required more effort and skills to be able to pitch. Next we did all our tent gadgets such as shoe rack , baggage rack etc. Also for the first time ever , I tried making kitchen gadgets and it was much harder than tent gadgets as it was a whole lot bigger in size. 
The next day we did outdoor cooking and we cooked bee hoon , chicken and made chocolate banana for dessert. We first tied a tripod stand before hanging the chicken on the tripod over the amber of the charcoal. It was my first time cooking a whole chicken during outdoor cooking and I found that it was interesting. At night , they taught us how to organise a campfire through several slide shows and the different roles that each patrol can choose to take up in the organizing of the camp fire. My patrol chose to made the souvenirs for the campfire for our fellow guides to bring home. At first , we did not know what we wanted to make as we had limited items. However on day three , when we went for survival training , the instructor taught us that we could use the leaves of a plant to make it into a bracelet or necklace. We then proceeded to make the souvenirs with the fallen leaves and everyone was impressed with what we had made. Campfire night was really fun as it was the night where we truly bonded together as a whole camp as well as with our camp commander , qm and aqm. Through Camp Training Course , I made new friends from other schools and also learned a lot of useful camping skills which I can impart to my juniors. It was truly an eye opening experience for me as I had a chance to widen my camp skills , learn how to plan a camp if I was put in charge and I am thankful for this wonderful opportunity given to me.

- Xi Wen, Sparrow patrol