Friday 4 March 2016

Artist Badge for Sec 2s

Sec 2s!!

As you have been informed, you guys will be doing the Artist badge. This is the soft copy of the components you have to complete. Please take note of the submission dates as we DO NOT expect any late submissions. As long as you put in effort, these aren't too difficult to complete! Jiayou! :)

Chung Cheng High School (Main)
Girl Guides

Artist Badge (2016 Secondary 2 )
This badge is an individual work consisting of 5 components which includes 5 components which includes 4 artworks and 1 write-up. This badge work has a total of 65 marks.

Mark Allocation
Components 1,3 and 4
10 marks each
Component 2
15 marks
Component 5
20 marks

Note: Drawings should be made on sheets of paper of A4 size or A3 size. In addition, drawings should be well placed on the paper and should fill up at least half of the paper.

1.     Drawing [10marks] (Submission date:  9 March)
Draw in charcoal, pastel, colour pen/pencil/soft pencil or paint a subject matter provided by the tester; add other objects and a background, to make a pleasing composition. Drawing must be coloured fully.

Subject Matter: Bird as seen below (Species: Finch)

Instructions: Guides are to draw the bird as seen above in pencil and add other objects and a background, to make a pleasing composition. Guides may print out the image of the bird and trace it but the background has to be an original work.

Marks will be awarded based on the following:

Grading Components
Marks awarded
Drawing of object provided
Drawing of background

2.     Make an illustration of a subject matter chosen by the tester [15 marks] (Submission Date: 9  March)

Theme: Be Prepared
Guide(s) must illustrate a scene which effectively portrays the theme.
Marks will be awarded based on the following:

Grading Components
Marks awarded
Relativity to theme
Elements and medium used
(e.g. Paint, Oil Pastels, Etc.)
Techniques of art applied
(E.g Shading, Painting, Etc.)

3.     Bring ONE of the following, to be created in colour [10 marks] (Submission Date: 23 March)

13.1  An imaginative drawing;
13.2  A landscape;
13.3  A figure drawing;
13.4  A still life drawing;
13.5  A plan drawing.

Marks will be awarded based on the following:

Grading Components
Marks Awarded
Control of material
Mastery of technique
Appeal (Use of different colours to make the drawing look more interesting)

4.     Choose between 4.1-4.5 and submit ONE of the following: (Submission Date: 23 March)

State the full title of your drawing clearly on your submission. (E.g. A drawing in pen and ink depicting a scene from the history of the Guide Company.)

4.1 A design of simple pattern suitable for wallpaper, embroidery, or curtain material, indicating the method of repetition.

Marks will be awarded based on the following:
Grading Components
Marks awarded
Quality of design
Technique (E.g. Repetition)
Effort placed into work

4.2 Submit a drawing in pen and or ink depicting a scene from the history of the Guide Company.

Marks will be awarded based on the following:
Grading Components
Marks Awarded
Techniques used (E.g. Hatching, Cross Hatching, Tonal Value, Lines and Shading etc.)
Quality and effort placed into work
Method Guides Company was portrayed
Method of medium applied (Pen and Ink)

4.3  Submit a coloured design of a poster or a book cover.

Guide is to design a poster or a book cover based on Guiding History. 

Marks will be awarded based on the following:
Grading Components
Marks awarded
Accurate information on Guiding History
Presentation of work (Resemblance to book cover)
Quality and effort placed into work

4.4  A notice written in pen and ink for a Guide event.

Marks will be awarded based on the following:
Grading Components
Marks awarded
Sufficient information on notice
Usage of words
Neatness of the work
Use of drawings instead of pure words

4.5  A piece of work in metal relief.

Guide is to do a piece of metal relief artwork. The artwork must relate to the theme, mental relief. E.g. It can be a depiction of the guide’s way of mental relief.

Marks will be awarded based on the following:
Grading Components
Marks awarded
Relation to the theme: Mental relief
Subject matter chosen
Skills and techniques applied (E.g. Tonal value, Shading, Lines, Shapes, Hatching, Cross Hatching, Colours, Proportion, etc.)
Quality and effort placed into work

5.   Be able to discuss the different media used in art. (Submission: 1 April)

Do a write-up of at least 200 words to explain at least 2 different media (plural of medium) used in your artworks. Write a brief description of the media used and why the particular medium was used. For example, does it portray your intended idea better by using that medium? Why so?
The write-up should approximately describe techniques that have been applied in your pieces as well as why you have adopted a particular technique. To do so, you need to research on e.g. different painting techniques and styles. A few examples of famous artworks by famous artists, who have used the 2 media you have used and discussed, should be included in the write-up to help support your artwork(s). Briefly explain how the media were effectively used in the mentioned artists’ artwork(s) as well as what are the main ideas behind the artist’s work. The write-up should include your response to the artist’s work, for example, do you think that the artwork is an effective piece of art, why?

The write-up should be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12.

Marks will be awarded based on the following:
Grading Component
Marks awarded
Medium 1- Description of medium and techniques that have been applied
Medium 1- Why is the particular technique and medium suitable and therefore used
Medium 2- Description of medium and techniques that have been applied
Medium 2- Why is the particular technique and medium suitable and therefore used
Selected examples- cover the 2 mentioned medium and explains how each medium is effectively used in the artwork.
Accuracy of information and description
Personal response and opinion on the guide’s preferred medium. Guide’s personal response should cover the reasons for her preference.
Organisation of the submitted write-up

sec 4s