Saturday 5 March 2016

last week of activities before march holidays!!


pls fall in at the concourse in your half guides uniform with your pe pants underneath at 3:15pm!! pls bring along your water bottles filled up!!
Sec 1s, pls bring along a pen with you!!
Sec 2s,  pls read up on axemanship and turfing on ur guides handbook
Sec 3s, pls recall the steps on how to do a flagpole and ur canvas tent pitching


There will not be cca for Sec 1s- 2s this Friday bcs of cross country!! rest well and see you next term !!

Sec 3s, pls remember to be back in school at 3:00PM and have ur lunch before that!! you may bring put ur camp bags in the guides room in the morning before assembly.

rest well for the march hols & see u soon!!

sec 4s xx