Sunday 24 July 2016

Reflection for week 4's activity

On Wednesday I had my first outdoor cooking with my new patrol mates. It was very funny because I remember none of the guides wanted to do the outdoor cooking in the sun and in the end we did. I never tried outdoor cooking under the sun while sitting on the grass before, so it was a refreshing experience. My patrol forgot to bring a can opener, but at last we managed to open both cans with a chopstick and fork respectively. I was very impressed and fascinated by my new patrol mates then. We cooked sausages and made spaghetti but the nuggets softened so we were unable to cook them. I felt my patrol was very kind and cool in a sense because we were like a family.

-Eve Sec 1, Hibiscus Patrol 

On Friday, after roll call, we went to one of the classrooms to start on our 5-point assignment which was making a pencil holder. We were told to bring scissors, glue, straws, rubber bands and coloured paper to make the holder. Although the Guides handbook stated that we needed to use a toilet roll holder, none of us brought any and thus, we had to improvise by rolling our coloured paper up. The paper, unlike cardboard, was very flimsy and creased easily, resulting in me getting frustrated a lot. After the 5-point activity, we went down to drill. We were divided into 2 groups and all of us had to find 2 leaves to help us with our drilling. It was difficult to find the leaves as it had just rained and the ground was still muddy and wet. We were told that the drilling session was for the seniors to select those who are suitable for the National Day Parade contingent. Upon hearing this, I realised how much I lacked and that I needed to brush up on my drilling skills. At around 5, we had patrol time and then we had early dismissal which was at 5:30pm.

-Amanda Sec 2, Mynah Patrol