Tuesday 19 July 2016

week 4's activity !!

pls fall in at the concourse at 3.15 sharp with nails trimmed !
sec 1s , pls wear you blue polo tee with blue skirt , with white socks ! 
sec 2s & 3s, pls wear your half guides uni with white socks !
for all , pls wear your pe shorts underneath too :))

sec1s,  please study up on your personal and social development 1.1,1.2 and 1.3 on your guides handbook !
sec 2s, please study up on your personal and social development  2.2 and community 1.1 on your guides handbook for your 5 point !
sec 3s, please study up your personal and social development 3.3,3.4 and make a list of three prominent leaders for your presentation :)))

Pls fall in at the concourse at 3.15 sharp !
pls wear your full guides uni with white socks and nails trimmed ! 
sec1s, please study up on your personal and social development 1.4&1.5
sec2s ,please study up on your home 2.2 and bring scissors , glue , straws , rubber bands and coloured paper !
sec3s, pls study up up your 3.3 personal and social development and make a list of useful information on the neighbourhood police post ,neighbours and family members in the size of a wallet card by friday !

from , katherine cl :)