Tuesday 18 October 2016

week 6's acitivty

guides , please wear grey tee with blue skirt, nails trimmed and white socks and report to the concourse at 3.15pm sharp ! cca will be released at 5.45 pm

guides, please wear your blue polo tee with blue skirt and your nails trimmed with white socks and report to the concourse at 1.30pm sharp !

pls remember to collect your forms after cca and bring the $10 camp fee

-katherine cl

Saturday 15 October 2016

Camp Update

Camp update

Patrol leaders, please get ready for the upcoming camp preparation discussion of :
Patrol Flag (50cm by 40cm) 
Patrol Identity ( must be handcrafted and $2 per person for per patrol !)
Patrol Skit 
Patrol Cheer 
* sec 1&2s , pls lend a helping hand to your seniors to think of ideas and make sure they are not the only ones giving ideas!!!

theme of camp : Happy 100th Birthday to Guides ( please make sure your skit, cheer, identiy etc. must be related to the theme !)

all guides are to think and prepare a manito gift as well for the manito session during camp ! basically , you need to buy a gift , not more than $2 too ( you can pick from daiso or handmade ) 

There will be no outdoor cooking this year but instead replaced by messtin cooking as we will be visiting Camp Christine for pioneer skill training ! 

* please do not student guides for the CCHMS Open House as the public sale of guides cookie @ Bedok and the Guides booth for Open House will be needing volunteers !

For public sale of Guides cookie @Bedok , more details to be given out at a later time! 

Please remember to pay the $10 camp fee to Katherine or Qianyin by next week Friday !

sec2&3s, please read up on your pioneering skills etc on Guides handbook too

by katherine cl :)