Wednesday 31 October 2012

Activity on 2nd Nov :)

Hey Guides!:D

Hope that all of you have done well for your end of year examinations! :)

We will be having an activity on 2ndNov, Friday. :)
Report at the concourse at 2.30PM SHARP with blue camp tee and school skirt tucked in with PE shorts.
Ensure that you are wearing WHITE socks(4 fingers high), fingernails cut, hair neatly pinned up etc.  :)
Also, please finish greeting all the seniors in 10-15 minutes! :)

For this week's activity, there will be some special groupings. Please take note :D

Group1: Hisbiscus and Mynah
Group2: Sunflower and Sparrow
Group3: Jasmine and Oriole
Group4: Orchid and Dove
Group5: Ixora and Kingfisher

Also, please read up on gadget making in your guides handbook before activity!:D

For those who have not submit your EOY photocopied result slips, please pass these documents to Min hui ACLor Kezia ACL(sec1s), Jia Wen CL(sec2s) and Fiona CL(sec3s) before activity. This is the last deadline so please submit on time.

Thanks and see you~ :)

~CLs :D

Saturday 27 October 2012

Sec 1 5-Point Retest

Hey Guides! The following guides, please meet at concourse at 1pm on 29/10/12 for your 5-point retest. 

Outdoor 1.1-1.4

1) Dinise Chng

2) Lee Hui Ting
3) Hannah
4) Min Yi
5) Rachel Tan
6) Adele Tan

Community 1.1-1.5

1) Lee Hui Ting

2) Eunice Ng

Home 1.1-1.3

1) Lee Hui Ting
2) Adelle Tan

Personal and social development 1.1-1.5

1) Adele Tan
2) Lee Hui Ting
3) Jia Yi

Please study for your respective tests. I do not wish to see any more failures as this is already the third time we are having this retest. 

Kezia ACL

Sunday 21 October 2012

[Updated] Drilling Badge Training for Sec2s

Hi Sec2s!

All of you would be required to undergo training in preparation for the drilling badge. Although not all of you will eventually get chosen for the badge, but drilling is still an essential skill for you guys when you step up! We would be having about 3 training dates during the holidays so please try to attend all of them!:) We would be teaching you new drills, set ceromonies and how to command so it's best to turn up.

Details for training dates are as follows:
Date: 27 October , Saturday ; 3 November, Saturday ; 27 December, Tuesday
Time: 9am-12pm
Venue: Concourse
Attire: Green Camp Tee and school shorts

I'm aware that some of you might be going overseas so please tell Simin AQM which dates you won't be able to attend. See you this Saturday~!

~ Lynn QM and Simin AQM

Saturday 20 October 2012

Activity on 2nd November

Hi Guides :)
Hope all of you have done well for your eoys :)
Please note that there will be activity on 2nd November, please arrange your schedule and attend the activity.
Thank you :)
~CLs :)

Friday 19 October 2012

Retests for 5point test (Sec 1s)

Hey Guides! There will be retests for 5point test next wednesday, 24/10/12 at 2.30pm. Please meet Kezia ACL outside 3CR classroom. :) If you name is stated below, please come for the retest.

Outdoor 1.1-1.4

1) Dinise Chng
2) Jia Yi
3) Lee Hui Ting
4)Carrie Ng
5) Koh Qi Yi
6) Sheena Ng
7) Wong Zing Rong
8) Hannah
9) Min Yi
10) Adelle Wee
11) Seow Khim
12) Rachel Tan
13) Adele Tan
14) Leong Yong Yu

Community 1.1-1.5

1) Lee Hui Ting
2) Seow Khim
3) Eunice Ng

Home 1.1-1.3

1) Tan Xing Lin
2) Adelle Wee
3) Lee Hui Ting
4) Sheena Ng
5) Adelle Tan
6) Leong Yong Yu

Personal and social development 1.1-1.5

1) Sheena Ng
2) Wong Zing Rong
3) Adele Tan
4) Lee Hui Ting
5) Jia Yi
6) Yong Yu
7) Min Yi

For those whose names are reflected above, PLEASE STUDY FOR YOUR RESPECTIVE TESTS. I wish to see all of you PASSING the tests. :) Do contact me if you have any queries.

Thanks! :)

Kezia ACL

Thursday 18 October 2012

Results for Greenie Beanie Competition! :D

Hello Guides!:D

Results for Greenie Beanine Competitions have been released!:D
And two of our Chung Cheng guides have emerged as one of the top few victors!:D

These are the results:

Design a Greenie Beanie Day Patch (Guide Section)
1st – Tang Guan Ting (Queenstown Sec Sch)
2nd – Berlyn Tan Shu Zhen (Whitley Sec Sch)  
3rd – Chew Wen Wei (Jurongville Sec Sch)

Comic Strip “Greenie Beanie Saves the Day” (Guide Section)
1st – Nadiah Bte Mohd Razif (Bt. Panjang Govt High Sch)
2nd – Shailyn Soh Ginn Yee (Chung Cheng High Sch (Main))
3rd – Lau Choon Fang (Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Sec Sch)
4th – Chan Yu An (CHIJ Sec (Toa Payoh))
5th – Tan Xinhui (Chung Cheng High Sch (Main))  
Winners are: 
->Shailyn Soh Ginn Yee, 3BN, King Fisher Patrol, Company 02
->Tan Xin Hui, 2MD, Hibiscus Patrol, Company 01
 Congratulations for Shailyn PL and Xin Hui for emerging as 2nd and 5th for Greenie Beanie Saves the Day competition!:DDD 

You have made us very very very proud ^^ 

~Fiona CL&Jia Wen CL :D

Saturday 6 October 2012

Activity on 19/10/12

Hey Guides! Please take note that there will be activity on 19/10/12 from 9-11.30am.   
 FALL IN IN CONCOURSE WITH GUIDES HALF U and white socks, pinned up fringe, fingernails cut etc. Do check among yourselves for neat attire before falling in.
There will 5 point tests for this activity. Ensure that you have done complete revision as failures will have to retake the tests. Please refer to the list below on the test scope:

Sec 1s:
1) Personal and social development 1.1-1.5 (except 1.2)
2) Home (1.1-1.3)

For the outdoor test 1.1-1.4, those who passed the test are:
-Eunice Ng
-Jun Wei
-Esther Seow
-Wong Guan Min

As for the rest whose names are not stated above, please study for the retest of outdoor 1.1-1.4.

For Community 1.4-1.5, the following guides have to retake the test:
- Elissa
-Min Yi
-Kah Yin
-Seow Khim
-Guan Min
-Lee Hui Ting
-Eunice Ng
-Esther Seow

Sec 2s:

The Following Guides have to retake these tests:
1. For Community 2.1-2.2:
-Hsin Chen
-Xin Hui
-Cai Leng
-Quan Fang
-Wei Ran
-Jasmine Lim

2. For Community 2.3-2.4:
-Xin Hui
-Hsin Chen

3. For personal and social development 2.1-2.2:
-Jia Xuan
-Cai Leng
-Koh Si Yun

4. For International 2.1-2.3:
-Lu Jing
-Hsin Chen
-Koh Si Yun

5. Outdoor 2.1-2.3:
-Jia Xuan
-Cai Leng
-Si Yun

*NOTE(for sec 2s): Only the names mentioned ABOVE  under each category need to study for the 5point tests they have missed out. The rest of you have completed the module.

Study hard Guides! :) Goodluck and Jiayou for your EOYs too! :)))))