Sunday 30 November 2014

Camping at Camp Christine whoohooo! - Reflections-

On 29 October to 1 November, along with Xi Wen, we went for a 4 day 3 night camp at camp Christine. This camp was quite fun and I really enjoyed myself as I think I've learnt a lot from this camp. 

On the first day we had to pitch our canvas tents and make our gadgets. I have never really pitched a canvas tent before so it was something new for me, but thankfully the trainers there and the other guides were very patient in teaching me. This was also my first time sleeping in a canvas tent, and I realized that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be at first!

The next day, we had outdoor cooking. We did everything from scratch including chopping the wood ourselves. At last when we got to eat the food we cooked ourselves, everyone was really happy and the food surprisingly tasted really good! We had bee hoon soup, chicken, fish and also chocolate banana for dessert! The chocolate banana was so delicious everyone couldn't stop eating it. Then we also played some bonding games with our patrol and at night, we were taught how to organize a campfire and the songs we can sing. It was really fun and everyone enjoyed themselves singing and cheering together in preparation for the campfire.

The next day, we went out of camp Christine to dairy farm adventure centre. We had a survival training there and It was so interesting as I saw so many plants I haven't seen before and I even learnt which plants are edible and what are the uses of different plants. That night, we had our long awaited campfire!! I really enjoyed myself a lot as everyone was so happy and cheerful, it was a really wonderful night. Also, the campfire was plan from scratch by every single one of us and my patrol was in charge or making door gifts. We made everyone a bracelet using flowers and i think they liked it.

I think this camp was a really memorable one and the knowledge I've learnt will definitely benefit me. Also, I'm really thankful for the people I met there, especially my patrol mates because they were the ones that were there with me throughout and we really had fun together! (:

~Erin, Dove patrol 

Wednesday 12 November 2014


Guys it's the END YEAR CAMP AGAIN :-) Are y'all eggcited heheheh

Please come to this camp with a correct mindset, and remember what MissJuni said :)
It's going to be the Sec3 last camp so put in your best to participate in this camp! Don't be afraid to approach us and let's make the best out of this camp!

Reporting Time: 7.30am
Attire: Half uniform (Make sure socks are 4 fingers high)

You guys need to prepare a inter patrol game! It should involve a physical activity (e.g sports games). The duration allocated for u all is around 45min-1hr.
Please send your proposal to Huiting PL at by Saturday 5pm.

So here's the packing list!
Quantity/ Remarks
PE Shirt

PE Pants

Appropriate no. of sets

Waterproof  track pants (plain black/dark blue only)
1 pair

Jacket/ Windbreaker

Appropriate no. of sets

Tissue paper/ toilet roll
At least 3 packets

Shampoo, soap, facial foam etc.
As needed



Toothbrush & Toothpaste
1 set

Black coloured hair accessories
As needed

For Outdoor Activities
Water Bottle

Utensils (fork, spoon)
As needed

Mess tin



Big cardboard (Lay Tent)

Foot wear
Sandals with back strap (NO slippers)
At least 1 pair

White canvas shoes
At least 1 pair

White plain socks (NO ankle-length)
At least 4 pairs
Initiative materials
White Glue


Feathers  (Optional)

Beads (Optional)

White thread (Sewing Thread)

As a Patrol
Food needed for cooking

Dry twigs & “mao mao”


Can opener
If needed

Satay Stick
As needed

Aluminium Foil
As needed

At Least 3 boxes

Outdoor Oven
At least 1

Patrol Identity

Patrol Flag ( Waterproof by wrapping with clear plastic)
Personal medication
As needed

Insect repellent
As needed


Sleeping Bag


Permanent Marker (To label Ziploc bags and meal bags)
As needed

Ziploc Bag (To store valuables; to be labelled with masking tape AS A PATROL)

Meal Bag (To store utensils, plate and mugs) 
*Must be drawstring bag and every member of the patrol must have the same bag)


Sweets, Titbits, Handphones
To be surrendered  before falling in

Please also bring your Guides camp tee which was given to you during the last June camp. Thank you!

See you guys in camp! Be prepared :)

Seniors :)

Monday 10 November 2014

Duty Roster

Hello Guides!! (-:

Please follow this duty roster and help out with the cleaning of the Guides room! We will have to clean the room once every 3 weeks (on Thursdays), and we will take turns according to your patrols. Please bring the necessary items for your individual task (eg cloth) and if you are unable to go please inform us beforehand so we can make necessary arrangements. If you have any queries feel free to ask your QMs!! We will print this checklist and it will be pasted on the Guides room door and please tick it when you've completed your task. Please report on time at 3pm in either your uniform or pe attire outside the Guides room and it will end at about 4.30pm. When you are done with your task, do help out with others that need help!!

Instructions for different tasks:

  • Wiping of windows- ensure all window panes and grills are cleaned
  • Wiping of cupboards- ensure all surfaces of cupboards are cleaned, including metal cupboard which keeps firewood (both inner and outer sides)
  • Sweeping of floor- ensure all areas are swept (including under the area under the tables, the corners, space around equipment)
  • Wiping of frames and organising metal drawer- ensure all photo frames (those on top of cupboards with the Guides law etc) and sort out items inside metal drawer (dispose expired items and items not fit to be used)
  • Organising of gadget poles- ensure all gadget poles are packed with the right sizes, in bundles of 10 poles (if unsure of how to tie, ask QM present), make sure it is neatly arranged 
  • Organising contents of cupboards- ensure items inside are arranged neatly/stacked neatly
  • Cleaning and organising of benches and tables- ensure there are no items placed on the table, ensure the chairs are arranged neatly and surface of chairs and table are cleaned, help out to clean surfaces of cupboards 
That's all and rest well!! See you guys during camp (-:

lav Seow Khim & Hannah QM