Tuesday 27 January 2015

28 and 30 jan activities!!(:


please report in GUIDES HALF U at 3.15pm sharp. Please wear your PE shorts too. To come prepared, U can briefly read up on pioneering in your Guides handbook.


please be in your FULL UNIFORM at 3.15pm sharp. The sec3s will not be joining us this Friday as they will be going to Fengshan Primary school to teach the brownies how to start a fire. So sec3s to wear Navy tee with PE shorts.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

World Thinking Day

hello again! (-;
here are the details for WTD celebrations!
Venue: Geylang Medthodist Girls School
Date: 28 Feb 2015
Time: 6pm-830pm
*Attire will be confirmed at a later date*
Attendance is COMPULSORY and do make yourselves free. Transport will not be provided so remember to google beforehand and make your way there with a bunch of fellow guides! However, we expect you report at 550pm.

there will be rehearsals for internal WTD celebrations (in school) on 13 Feb and 17 Feb and the actual celebration will be held on 23 Feb. More details will be given when the date gets nearer.

love, bop to the top 4s <3>


sup Guides! :D hope everyone is still surviving well for school haha
anyways on Wednesday, 21st Jan, please fall in at the concourse at 315pm sharp in your Guides half uniform with cchms shorts underneath your skirt! Make sure your fingernails are cut, socks are 4 fingers up high, cord placed at the seam and that the buckle of the belt can be seen. Do remember to unsew your world thinking day badge and pass to either QMs. See you guys :-)
on Friday, 23rd Jan, please fall in in FULL Guides uniform with cchms shorts underneath skirt. ***from now onwards Guides are expected to wear their full Guides uniform at least once a week*** by then you guys should have done all the changes that are supposed to be made/ told to be made. Hang your grey tee on the hanger at the concourse before falling in.

  • Berets placed in pockets before falling in.
  • Hair are supposed to be tied and sprayed; short hair Guides to make sure that their hair will not cover the Crest.
  • Company Tags one finger spacing from seam.
  • Badges are to be sewn in a straight line in 3s, starting for the right side of your sleeve.
  • Ends of scarfs are supposed to be ironed straight for puffing effect. Do appropriate adjustments before tying so that the Crest will not be slanted.
  • The 3 badges (Trefoil, World Badge, and award badge), when pinned, are to be in a diagonal straight line. Re-sew your patrol emblem if it does not permit the stated requirement.
  • Trefoil MUST be polished.
  • Shirt must be tucked in so that buckle of belt can be seen.
  • Socks required to pulled 4 fingers up high.
Feel free to consult any of the seniors if you're unsure about anything/ to see if your uniform fits the above requirements. (:

love, top 4s and CCA experience team :-)

Saturday 17 January 2015


Hi Guys! In case you miss out what we said on this wednesday's activity, i will re emphasize the keypoints!


- Use hair spray to ensure neat and tidy braids
- For short hair girls: Hair must NOT touch the crest of the scarf


- Earrings CANNOT be worn, unless with valid reason (Just pierce the earholes)


- Need to be ironed correctly (The ends of the scarf should NOT be iron) 
- A square should be formed (To pin your enrollment badge)
- Crest should be in place, in the middle at your back 

- Enrollment badge must be POLISHED SHINY
- Proficiency badges on right, other badges from external organizations on the left 
- Should be sewn using a thread that is of same colour as the badge (dont show traces of the thread)
- Align the World badge, enrollment badge and award badge in a diagonal line 

Company tag
- Need to be one finger spacing from the seam 

- The metal buckle should NOT be covered by your shirt
- Whistle and cord must be aligned to the seam of your skirt

- MUST BE MID KNEE LENGTH (Common mistake)

- 4 fingers high from your ankle
- Purely white, no logo on it
- Must have shoelace
- White shoes (Not brown, please wash!)

- No watches or bracelets
- When you wear full uniform, BRING ALONG YOUR GREY TEE BECAUSE you are not allowed to wear full uniform to public places (Public transport, Shopping mall etc) UNLESS you are going home by car.
- Punishments given when wearing full uniform will be X2

We are checking your uniforms THIS FRIDAY so there should be NO excuses for any mistakes

Whenever you are using the mess tin to cook, your are STRONGLY ADVISE to layer the bottom of the mess tin with TOOTHPASTE. This will help to prevent your mess tin from being "black bottomed"

*you need this precaution esp when you are frying food!


CLs (-:


Wednesday 14 January 2015


hello!!! great to have you guys back in the Guides family (-;
as mentioned earlier before activity started, this Friday's attire will be GUIDES FULL UNIFORM which also means you guys have to iron your scarf, sew on badges if you've yet to, and fall in at the concourse at 3:15pm sharp! Hair should also be tied & sprayed neatly and socks 4 fingers high, nails trimmed.
please remember to submit your WTD by Friday! Type out your writeup in the document that Rachel CL has sent to one of your members in the team ((mostly Sec 3s other than Chevvone's team)) so check your emails, insert your banner/gateway pictures and email to rachelttq@gmail.com. For those in dance/campfire skit, remember to burn your edited video into a disk and pass it to Rachel CL at 4LY ((HaoRan Building Level 3 nearer to lakeside)) before FRC on Friday. thank you and rest well!
CLs <3>

Monday 12 January 2015

Sec 3s Step Up Programme 2015

hello sec 3s! congrats for being part of upper sec now; hope Kota Tinggi was a good head start!
You guys will need to organise the following events in preparation for the change of leadership positions in term 2.

CCA Experience 1
Inter-Patrol Competition
Fund Raising 1
Fund Raising 2
Service Learning 1
Service Learning 2
Service Learning 3
Hannah QM
YuQing ACL
HuiTing PL & Adelle PL
SeowKhim QM
Rachel CL
KahYin ACL
Carrie CL
Zhi Ning
Jun Ting

Jin Yun


deadline for proposal to be emailed to your mentors:
event 1: 17 January 2015
events 3-7: 25 January 2015

  • CCA experience will be conducted on 21st and 23rd January 2015 from 3pm-5pm. You guys can include activities such as indoor/outdoor cooking on either days and games that reflect what our activities usually are like, Hence, both groups are encouraged to communicate with one another to avoid the clashing of activities.
  • The venue for the inter-patrol competition should be readily available. (decide on where you want to hold it and inform your mentor before hand so that we have enough time to free the area for the activity on that day itself) Safety comes first!

Note for the 9 people involved in planning service learning projects:
  1. Find an organisation that requires our service. (Call/Email to enquire first.)
  2. Service must be beneficial to the organisation (ask the organisation what they would need, if they would prefer students aged 13-16 to be involved.)
  3. Service should not be based on fund raising only.
  4. Service should preferably be conducted over at least two 2.5-hour long sessions at the organisation.
  5. Sec 3 teams to discuss target group they wish to help and write up a brief proposal on what they wish to conduct for the target group.
  6. Group will bring at least 10 other CCHMS Sec 1 - 4 Guides for the service. (As much as possible, try to involve different Guides for 'Events 5-7', so that everyone gets to experience the act of volunteering.)
  7. All service learning projects must be completed between 1 February 2014 - 31 March 2014.
Do consult your mentor for help as they are assigned based on the experience they have for your event. At the same time, do look out for people you can/cannot work well with. All the best and work hard!

love, Carrie CL


Hiii Guideys!
Are all of you excited for the start of guides activity??!!

For activity on Wednesday, please fall in at 3.15pm in concourse. Please wear guides grey tee with blue skirt. Make sure your attire is proper, nails neatly trimmed and four finger high socks. Also the sec 1s will be coming to our activities for their CCA trail so please set a good example and attitude for the juniors and make them welcome in the guides family.

For sec 2s coy 2, you guys would be doing indoor cooking!! YAYYY!! So please make sure to bring the ingredients. Sec 3s can also help to bring the ingredients as well!

For sec2s coy 1, you guys will be doing gadget making so please revise on the different knots and lashing by Wednesday.

For the sec 3s, we will be doing the drilling badge selection so pls go and revise the different commands and drills. If you guys have any doubts, don’t be afraid to ask any of the seniors! There will be a 4 day selection in the first two weeks of guides! So be prepared! 

There will also be a step up programme for the sec 3s which we will have more information on Wednesday. The groupings for the step up programme will also be posted soon! So please do check!
Lastly, please bring along all you WTD materials that you guys have discussed or made as the top 4s would be checking on your progress! Please try to do well for these competitions and try your very best!

On Friday activity, please fall in at 3.15pm in concourse. Please wear guides grey tee with blue skirt. Make sure your attire is proper, nails neatly trimmed and four finger high socks! Also, Friday is the deadline for submission of WTD materials so please make sure that it is done and ready to be submitted!

top 4s (-: 

Thursday 1 January 2015


harlo Guides :)

do note that CCA will resume on week 2; this week is week 0. all the best for 2015! <3 p="">
love, top 4s heh

Boatswain Badge Course

happy 2015 Guides!!! :-) there's a Boatswain Badge Course open for everyone, but limited to only 5 Guides. If you are interested, do text Carrie CL by Sunday, 4 January 9pm and state your name, class, NRIC. Do note we will go by first come first serve basis and make sure you are able to attend all lessons before signing up.

Venue: Pandan Reservoir Penjuru Road #01-01 Singapore 609159
Course Fee: $18.00 per Guide
Time: 8.30am - 2.30pm (NO lunch break, you are to bring your own snacks like sandwiches, buns, etc. and water for consumption during a short break in between lesson.)
Course schedule are as follows:

1 Star Canoeing Course and rope throwing at Pandan Reservoir
Swimming test at Bishan Swimming Complex

No. of pax per Unit
Sat 24, 25 January 2015
10 am to 5 pm
(Lunch 12.30 – 1.30 pm)
Sat 31 January 2015

9 am to 10 am
Sat 21, 22 March 2015
8.30 am to 2.30 pm
(No lunch break)
Sat 28 March 2015

9 am to 10 am
Sat 23, 24 May 2015
8.30 am to 2.30 pm
(No lunch break)
Sat 30 May 2015

9 am to 10 am
Sat 25, 26 July 2015
8.30 am to 2.30 pm
(No lunch break)
Sat 1 August 2015

9 am to 10 am
Sat 22, 23 August 2015   
8.30 am to 2.30 pm
(No lunch break)
Sat 29 August 2015

9 am to 10 am
Sat 24, 25 October 2015   
8.30 am to 2.30 pm
(No lunch break)
Sat 31 October 2015

9 am to 10 am

Note: Guides who are proficient swimmers can opt to be tested for the Swiimmer’s Badge.

love, TOP 4s <3 span="">