Sunday 30 June 2013

03/07/13 Activity :)

Hello Guides! :D 
Are you excited for the next activity? ;)

Fall in at the concourse at 245PM sharp in your grey guides tee and guides skirt; Please remember to have a light lunch and a heavy recess! Ensure that your nails are trimmed, fringe is clipped, and all hair accessories are BLACK. White socks are to be 4 fingers above your ankles.

Do remember to bring along your tofu casing (even if you're not on schedule for initiative on Wednesday), your ice-cream making forms, and for COY2, your Pizza making forms. Please also bring the exact amount of cash payment you are required to make :) These will all be collected during roll call.

See you~

-xxx Hsin Chen ACL

Upcoming 5-Point Test

Hey Guides!
Do note that there'll be a 5 point test for the Sec1s this coming activity and the next!
For 3rd July (Wednesday), you'll be tested on Home 1.1, 1.3 (pg. 101-108 and pg. 117-119).
For 5th July (Friday), you'll be tested on Community 1.2, 1.3 (pg.200-201).

Study hard! :)

-xxx Hsin Chen ACL

Saturday 29 June 2013

Activity Dates for Sem 2 (Updated)

Dear Guides,

Activity Dates for Semester 2 has been updated. Click on the "Activity Dates (Sem 2)" tab above. Do note the following important dates before you go off for your holidays.

1) June Guides Camp Training has been postponed to 6 to 8 Sept 2013 

2) 8 Sept marks the last day before we stand down for End-of-Year preparations. Guides will resume normal activity from 11 - 16 Oct

3) Energy Efficiency Test on 18 Oct 2013 falls on Results Processing Day (holiday). There will be no guides activity, but Sec 2 guides will head down to Energy Efficiency Centre from 9-11am to take the test.

4) Only Sec 2 guides have to attend the session on 30 Oct (Entertainers Badge Test)

5) End-of-year Guides Training Camp will be from 20 to 22 Nov 2013

Dates of 5-point test and proficiency badge submission deadlines

Dear Guides,

Please take note of the following important dates. For 5-point test, please study your guides handbook before coming on the specified dates for the test.

Cancellation of Camp Christine Clean Up Yeoman Service

Hi guides!

Do note that Camp Christine Clean Up CIP this Saturday will be cancelled. Thank you. :-)

-Wei Ran AQM

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Garden's By the Bay Ambassadors

Hi Guides,

I need 5 guides (2 Sec3s and 3 Sec 2s)  to sign up for the Garden's By the Bay project to be an Ambassador!

So what is this project about?

Theme: ‘River of Life’ Exhibition
Objective: To teach environment sustainability and commemorate the UN International Year of Water Cooperation.

And what are you going to do if you sign up?

1. One full day (6 hours) Orientation class to be conducted by Gardens by the Bay on 20 July 2013 (Sat), lunch will be provided by GBB. This lesson will include introduction to Gardens by the Bay and site visit.

2. Two hours of simple craft session using recycle materials to make decoration items such as leaves, flowers, fungi or aquatic plants for the river. All materials will be provided by Gardens by the Bay.

3. Each Guide will in turn engage their chosen Brownie pack(s) to teach the craft and prepare the exhibits for the project. Instruction sheets will be provided for the Guides to teach the Brownies.

4. Be involved in at least two days of exhibition at Gardens by the Bay  in Mid Oct - Nov (dates to be confirmed)

Monday 24 June 2013

Soap Making Initiative's Schedule

Hi Guides! :)

For our first and second activity (03'07'13 & 05'07'13) when school reopens, we'll be having....... 



Thursday 20 June 2013

All activities suspended

Dear Guides,

In due of the haze condition, our Guides June Training camp will be suspended (till further notice). If situation gets better, we will let you know on Sunday. Do take care of yourself, stay indoors and drink lots of water. Thank you.

Ms Juni

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Cookie Sale Announcement \o/

Harro guides!

The deadline for the submission of your cookie form (and cash) has been extended to 5 July! Please do not submit your cookie forms (and cash) on the first day of camp. Submit your form (and cash) on 5 July instead. Do check the previous post for the designs of the tins. Sell as many as you can! Good luck!! :D


Tuesday 18 June 2013

Very important notice to all guides

Dear Guides,

Starting from Semester 2, please thumb in your attendance before falling in for guides and thumb out after guides session as well.

Starting from Semester 2, all absentees from CCA must submit valid MC to Ms Juni (place it in her pigeonhole) by the next day by recess time. Do note the consequence for absentism without MC will be 1-day detention (either on the next day or the 2nd day after skipping CCA) 

As usual, only MCs are allowed unless valid reason (sms ACLs your reason for being absent from CCA before CCA starts). Valid reasons include death in family, approved to leave the country, doctors appointment, emergency event.

The following guides have not submited MC for Apr/May. Please bring it on Camp Day 1.

1) TAN REGINE (1HM) missing on 22 May
2) CHEW WAN YEE NATALIE (1JT) missing on 22 May
3) YONG QI HUI JANICE (1GR) missing on 29 May
4) MARY MAGDALENE THAY (1JT) missing on 29 May
5) NG PEI QI, RACHEL (1JT) missing on 17 May
6) YEO XIU MIN (1JT) missing on 29 May
7) FOO JUN WEI (2BN) missing on 3 Apr
8) CHNG WEN TING, DINISE (2CR) missing on 3 Apr
9) HANNAH WONG (2FG) missing on 17 May
10) WANG JIA YI (2FG) missing on 17 May
11) CHUA MIN YI (2JT) missing on 3 Apr, 17 May, 22 May, 29 May
12) WONG GUAN MIN (2JT) missing on 3 Apr, 17 May, 22 May
13) TAN XING LIN (2LY) missing on 29 May
14) SHEENA NG (2MD) missing on 17 May
15) WONG ZING RONG (2MD) missing on 17 May
16) KOH SI YUN (3JT) missing on 3Apr & 29 May

Monday 17 June 2013

Camp Challenge 2013

Dear CCHMS Guides,

Let's put our hands together to congratulate the team that represented us for National Camp Challenge 2013!
Ying Ying, Hsin Chen, Jazel, Jing Yu, Wei Ting, Bing Pei.
PL: Bing Pei, PS:  Jazel
These six guides formed a patrol and the team has done us proud by winning the following:

Patrol Gadget Making Competition (East Division) : 1st
Canvas Tent Pitching (East Division): 2nd
Patrol Flag Competition (East Division): 2nd 
Raft Making Competition (East Division): 2nd
Night Challenge Competition (East Division): 2nd

Best Division for Camp Challenge: EAST DIVISION
(2nd consecutive win!)

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Readers' Badge for Sec 1s (Update!)

Hello guides.

As you all know, Sec 1s have to do your Readers' Badge over the June Holidays.
There are a total of 8 books that you have to read and do book reviews on, but as the time given might not be enough, you guys can complete 5 book reviews over the June Holidays and submit it on the 3rd July.

The other 3 book reviews can be completed after school re-open and must be submitted by the 10th July

Saturday 1 June 2013


Hi guides ! (:

As mentioned from the previous guides activity, the annual cookie sale is here again!
Here are the designs for the cookie tins this year :)