Sunday 31 July 2016

Wide Games 2016

Here are the photos for Wide Games 2016 !

Reflection for week5's activity

On Wednesday, we were supposed to wear our full guides uniform. However, I noticed that I did not bring my enrollment badge and world badge to school. I knew that I could not wear my guides uniform without my badges. Therefore, I went to look for QM to borrow an enrolment badge and world badge. In addition, Eve, another sec 1 had worn her guides uniform but did not have aworld badge. Unfortunately, QM only managed to find only one world badge. So, only one of us could wear the full guides uniform with the world badge. As it was almost time to fall in, I decided to give up the world badge to Eve so she did not need to change out of her guides uniform. Therefore, I showed up in my half-school uniform. I know that it was very irresponsible if me to have forgotten to bring my enrollment badge and world badge. I realised that I should have been more careful with my things. I will treat this as a lesson and be a more responsible person. Lastly, I want to sincerely apologize for not being for responsible as a member of guides. I am very sorry.

-Grace , Jasmine Patrol

On Friday, we fall in in the concourse at 3.25 pm. After roll call, the 11 sec 2s who were chosen for the national day parade celebration were told to gather at the concourse together with the sec 3s while the rest of the guides go to the guides room. We did yang tinggi at the concourse  and were told to remember our positions before going to the service road near the netball court to drill for about an hour. At about 5 pm, all the UG gathered at the parade square for the national day celebration rehearsal . We were told to start marching at the beat of the band. I realised that I always miss the beat and had to take larger steps to catch up with the rest. While we were rehearsing for the parade, the other sec 2 and 1 guides were doing gadget making and drilling. At about 6.15 pm, we ended off the day with singing taps.

-Athene , Jasmine Patrol

Tuesday 26 July 2016

week 5's activity

please fall in at the concourse at 3.15pm sharp in half guides uniform with your nails trimmed and white socks ! 
hello guides sorry for the late msg but please prepare the following for your next guides activity :)

sec 1s, please read up on your home 1.1 ,community 1.1 and community 1.5 and please do bring your completed home 1.1 on Wednesday for your 5 point!  :)

sec 2s , please read up on your community 2.3 and read up international 2.1 :))

please fall in at the concourse at 3.25pm sharp in your full guides uniform with your nails trimmed and white socks!
sec1s, pls bring your guides handbook along as well!

note: please do hand up your envelope for the cca photos on thursday or friday at the canteen !

Monday 25 July 2016

CCA Photos

Guides , please take a look at the cca photos , the envelope will be given out by this Wednesday ! 

Fun 2
Fun 1 

Sunday 24 July 2016

Reflection for week 4's activity

On Wednesday I had my first outdoor cooking with my new patrol mates. It was very funny because I remember none of the guides wanted to do the outdoor cooking in the sun and in the end we did. I never tried outdoor cooking under the sun while sitting on the grass before, so it was a refreshing experience. My patrol forgot to bring a can opener, but at last we managed to open both cans with a chopstick and fork respectively. I was very impressed and fascinated by my new patrol mates then. We cooked sausages and made spaghetti but the nuggets softened so we were unable to cook them. I felt my patrol was very kind and cool in a sense because we were like a family.

-Eve Sec 1, Hibiscus Patrol 

On Friday, after roll call, we went to one of the classrooms to start on our 5-point assignment which was making a pencil holder. We were told to bring scissors, glue, straws, rubber bands and coloured paper to make the holder. Although the Guides handbook stated that we needed to use a toilet roll holder, none of us brought any and thus, we had to improvise by rolling our coloured paper up. The paper, unlike cardboard, was very flimsy and creased easily, resulting in me getting frustrated a lot. After the 5-point activity, we went down to drill. We were divided into 2 groups and all of us had to find 2 leaves to help us with our drilling. It was difficult to find the leaves as it had just rained and the ground was still muddy and wet. We were told that the drilling session was for the seniors to select those who are suitable for the National Day Parade contingent. Upon hearing this, I realised how much I lacked and that I needed to brush up on my drilling skills. At around 5, we had patrol time and then we had early dismissal which was at 5:30pm.

-Amanda Sec 2, Mynah Patrol

Tuesday 19 July 2016

week 4's activity !!

pls fall in at the concourse at 3.15 sharp with nails trimmed !
sec 1s , pls wear you blue polo tee with blue skirt , with white socks ! 
sec 2s & 3s, pls wear your half guides uni with white socks !
for all , pls wear your pe shorts underneath too :))

sec1s,  please study up on your personal and social development 1.1,1.2 and 1.3 on your guides handbook !
sec 2s, please study up on your personal and social development  2.2 and community 1.1 on your guides handbook for your 5 point !
sec 3s, please study up your personal and social development 3.3,3.4 and make a list of three prominent leaders for your presentation :)))

Pls fall in at the concourse at 3.15 sharp !
pls wear your full guides uni with white socks and nails trimmed ! 
sec1s, please study up on your personal and social development 1.4&1.5
sec2s ,please study up on your home 2.2 and bring scissors , glue , straws , rubber bands and coloured paper !
sec3s, pls study up up your 3.3 personal and social development and make a list of useful information on the neighbourhood police post ,neighbours and family members in the size of a wallet card by friday !

from , katherine cl :)

Monday 18 July 2016

Reflection for 1st week's activity


On Wednesday(13/7), its our official enrolment ceremony and I was looking forward to it. We followed our pl/ps and did the horseshoe formation, guides law etc.
I feel proud to be officially enrolled as a guide. I will continue to work hard to be a disciplined guide.
I forgot that I was supposed to place my left hand over my right hand when collecting the enrolment badge from ma'am, instead, I raised out both hands and I felt very embarrassed as I think it was rude.
However, I managed to memorise the guides' honour and guides' law correctly.

-Shi Qing , Sunflower Patrol


On Friday we were told to bring our outdoor cooking items and arts &crafts materials which included colour papers, markers glue and scissors. After roll call, Coy 1 did outdoor cooking first at the space between the Grand auditorium and the staff room while Coy 2 did arts &crafts in one of the classrooms.  Coy 2 had the choice to choose between making a bird or a flower and decided to make the bird. In the meantime, Coy 1 split into the different patrols and started outdoor cooking. At around 4.40pm, Coy 1 and Coy 2 switched activities. Coy 1 was told to make the bird by following the pictures which were shown on the projector. At 4.30pm we started cleaning up and then we proceeded downstairs to drill. With the national day parade coming up, I realised how our drilling was not up to standard and we had to improve ourselves. Soon later, Coy 2 joined us and we ended off the day with singing taps.

-Felicia , Hibiscus Patrol

Sunday 10 July 2016

week 3's activity

Pls report to the concourse at 3.25pm sharp in your full guides uniform with your nails cut, white socks and uniform neat and tidy ! :)
pls bring along coloured paper , markers , scissors and glue !!

Pls report to the concourse at 3.15pm sharp in your half guides uniform with your nails cut, white socks and uniform neat and tidy !:))

sec 3s :D

Monday 4 July 2016

week 2's activity

Sec 1 ,pls report at concourse at 2:40pm sharp for your EEC course.
Attire will be school half uniform.
The sec 1 guides are to bring calculator, your most recent home utilities bills ,pen ,water bottle and your valuables with you for the course. Please leave your bags in the guides room.

Sec 2 & 3s , there will be no cca activity for you guys so please rest well !! :))